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I walked into Bryson's hospital room to see Phylicity's head bobbing up and down on Bryson's lap.

He sat up in the hospital bed, and was gripping the sides of it.

He grunted before cumming in her mouth, and laid back down.

"Oh, wow" I spoke.

Bryson checked his arm before looking at her. "Philly, who's that?"

"I don't know, Bryson"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I scowled. "This is the bullshit you pull Phylicity?"

There was a knock at the door, and we all turned to look at Eris as she walked in.

Bryson's eyes widened, and he pushed Phyl back. "Who's that?"

"Not your girlfriend"

"Funny you should say that" I scowled.

Eris gave him a hug. "Hey, buddy"

"And I knew you?"

"You knew all of us, but whatever the bitch Phylicity said to you, she was lying"

"I got a whole tattoo in representation of her, and we not together?"

"No, Cleo's your girlfriend" She ushered towards me.

Bryson looked me up and down. "Oh"

Way to make me feel special.

"Actually-" Phyl began.

"Please try it, bitch. I'm begging you" Eris cut her eyes at her.

"What's your name?"

"Eris. My dad works for yours"

"Like Heiress"

"Well imma just go" I waved everybody off before leaving.


"You're pretty"

"Thanks, but so is your girlfriend, Cleo"

I moved to touch my head, but Eris moved my hand.

Her sleeve fell down.

"You too beautiful to be cuttin' yourself like a steak"


I grabbed her hand, and pulled her arm forward before kissing her bruised skin.

"Don't do that"

"Why not?"

"Because you have a girlfriend, Bryson"

"I don't know her. I don't know anybody. How long you gone keep saying that until it before it becomes meaningless?"

She sat quietly, and I decided to test the waters.

"I love you"

"I love you too, Bryson"

"Girl, I saw the twinkle in your eyes. Just friends my ass"

"You're already annoying"

"Maybe you the annoying one" I shrugged.

"Your girlfriend thinks you're okay though"

"Well my so called girlfriend just gave up on me. Would you give up on me?"


"Boom. There you go"

"You took Phylicity's virginity"

"So I turned her into a fiend? She sucks real well"

"Okay, ew" She said.

"Who else's did I take?"

"Mine, but-"

"Shh, say no more" I smirked. "How was it?"


"Sign yourself out" I ushered towards the door.

She laughed, and got up. "If you insist, Bryson"

"Not forreal. I wanna get to know you. Well, again, cause I already knew you"


"So what's the deal? I got three girlfriends or some shit? Imma player or a pimp?"

"Neither. You just fall in love too quickly"

I looked her up and down. "Shit, I can believe that"


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