18 (Fourth Update)

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"I feel like a pervert for kissing you while you're not awake, but your lips twitch when I do, and it fixes my soul, Bryson. It really does"

I sniffed, and wiped my eyes. "I didn't mean to - I tried not to cry around you, baby. I really did"

I got off of his bed to leave the room.

I ran into Bryson's dad, and he gave me a hug. "It's okay, Phylicity. He'll be back. God's the plug, and he finna come through"

I laughed through my tears, and started crying harder.

Bruce sat down on the bench with me.

"I was wondering when you were going to let it out. I see you as a daughter, Phylicity. If you need something, let me know"

I nodded my head, but I already knew that I couldn't accept anything from the Tillers.

The only thing that I would accept was Bryson.

I walked to the bathroom to wash my face, before going back to his hospital room.

I climbed back into the bed, and kissed him. His lip moved slightly, and I felt the butterflies in my stomach.

"I'm sorry" I apologized.

Bruce had come to see his son, and some broad was cozied up in bed with him.

"You're fine" He chuckled.

"No I'm not. I can go. He's your son after all"

"You can stay, yeah?"

Bryson coughed, and turned his head to rub the oxygen tube against the pillow.

I could feel myself shaking, and my voice had gotten lost.

"Boo" His voice faded, and I realized that it hurt for him to talk.

"Shhh" I grabbed my water bottle, and made him drink some of it. "You don't have to talk for me"

"I told y'all that God the plug, but nobody wanna listen to Bruce" He stood up, and went to go get a nurse.

"Some love"

I hugged him, and took in his warmth.

"I'm your favorite vegetable?" He kissed my forehead.

I nodded my head. "Yes, so stop being disrespectful"

"Well you my favorite state. Philly-delphia"

I blushed, and nodded my head.

I could be whatever he wanted, as long as he allowed me to be.

"You okay, yeah? Nobody hurt my boo?"

"Well. . ."

Bryson started to sit up, but I stopped him. "I'm down here"

He smirked. "Aight, boo"

"I'm going to beat you up when I feel like you're better"

"Do it now" He suggested, and licked his lips. "They taste like you. C'mere"

I pressed my lips against his, and Bryson managed to flip us over.

"I don't like hearing you cry. I had to force myself to get up, and I don't know how, but that shit hurt"

I adjusted his oxygen, and he kissed all over my neck.

"I was tryna kiss you back, but that shit won't workin' out for me"

"You're gonna make me cry again"

He laughed. "You wanna make me feel bad, yeah?"

Bryson licked, and sucked on my skin, and I've never felt that vulnerable.

"Ohk- okay" I whined.

"I was - you was hugging and holding on me, and I couldn't do nothing, boo. I was all angry and shit"

He rubbed on my thigh, and I could feel my heartbeat in my sex.

I was breathing hard beneath him, and he gave my butt a squeeze.

"Don't let me find myself alone with you again"


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