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Phylicity slapped me in the face. "You gotta lot of fucking nerve, Bryson"

"You can't be hitting up on me. That shit ain't coo"

"I don't give a fuck what you think is cool, Bryson. You did some shit that I didn't think was cool"

"I know"

She slapped me again, and I grabbed her wrist before slamming it into the locker.

"Stop hitting me"

"Oh, and you're friends with Eris now? And you two - you two fucked. Why would you do that to me?"

"Not everything is about you, Phyl. Why you even here?"

"Because - because. . ."

"I didn't switch houses, and move across town for you to be here too"

It sounded harsh, but that's the truth.

"So you just tryna get away from me? Why did we really break up, Bryson?"

"I'm being pulled and strung along just like you are. But go back to your old school. Stay away from me"

"Is that a threat? Who the hell do you think you are?"

"It's not a fuckin' threat, Phylicity. It's a warning. Get out'cho damn feelings, and just listen to me. Real shit"

"So is your bitch a cover up too?"

"Whoa, Cleo don't got shit to do with shit. Don't call her out of her name when she ain't even do shit to you"

"Well she looks like a bitch to me"

"But who's acting like a bitch? Covering up ya pretty ass face with that cheap ass makeup, and you think you really somebody. Honestly, the fuck is you doing?"

Her lip quivered, and I sighed.

"You don't wanna get hurt, yeah? I broke up with you to keep you safe, Phyl. I don't need nobody to see me with you right now"

"What's going on?"

"I'm not telling you. The shit is beyond me"

"Just tell me"

Tia, I just realized something

"It ain't my place to tell you. I could be putting my daughter at risk"


"I love you" I leaned forward and kissed her.

"I love you too, daddy" Mya rested her nose against mine.

"Why do I love you?"

"Cause we are the bestest friends"

"I remember when you was in my nuts. I ain't expect this"

"I not like nuts"

"You damn right" I pulled her hair back.

"I missed you, daddy"

"I be missing you too, baby Tiller. I be at school thinkin' bout coming home to my luh' baby"

"I guessed that is me"

"No, I know another Mya"

She pouted, and her lip poked out.

"That's cute, baby. I'm just kidding"

I tossed her on the bed, and she stood straight up.

"We play now?"

"What do you wanna play?"

She yawned. "I sleepy now"

I climbed into bed, and held my arms out for her.

She climbed up my body, and sat on my chest.

"You not gone sleep with me?"

"You sleep aloned"

"I´ve got sunshiiiine on a cloudy day"

Mya attempted to snap like the temptations did, but her small fingers didn't allow it.

"Sing, daddy"

"I be trying, baby"

She layed down on my chest. "I thinked you can buy me a car"

"I'm still waiting on my parents to buy me a car. Keep waiting, princess"

She kissed me on the cheek.

"I get all the love, yeah?"

"Yessir" She laid down beside me, and pulled the cover up over her head.

I pulled the cover down. "You gone suffocate, yeah?"

"My daddy saved me"

I kissed her forehead, and pulled her body into mine. "We'll see about that"

"Nighty night" She mumbled softly.

"Goodnight, baby"


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