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I opened the door to Bryson's room to see that Phylicity was riding him.

"Oh wow" I gave around of applause.

"W-wait a second" She moaned.

I could feel my whole body heat up, and I looked at the pills on the floor.

I grabbed her by her hair, and ripped her off of Bryson.

Her whole body shivered, and she came on the floor.

Bryson lay unconscious on the bed.

"Bryson!" I called, and grabbed hold of his face.

"He's not dead. We just had a little fun"

So I had my fun fuckin' up her face, and tossing her ass outside.

I dragged him into the shower, and cut the water on before climbing in and sitting behind him.

I let the water run over his face, but made sure not to drown him. "Baby"

I rubbed his face, and realized that I was shaking.

I grabbed his rag, and washed him free of Phylicity.

I could see his skin turning red under my intense scrubbing.

I rinsed the rag off before cleaning his dick.

I might've taken a little extra time cleaning that too, but who knows.

"I love you" He mumbled, and slid down in the tub. "Why you come back? And why this water so damn cold? You tryna freeze me, yeah?"

"I didn't see you since yesterday, Bryson"

"Shit, that's probably why I'm hungry"

He pulled my body to his, and started bath water.

"I'm fully dressed, Bryson"

"And shaking. Calm down, boo"

"I can't. I can't because-"

He peeled my wet clothes off, and threw them in the sink.

Bryson pulled my naked body into his.

"Oh god"

"Its big, ain't it?"

His eyes were deep red.

"Phylicity drugged you, and rode your dick off into the sunset. Well she tried to atleast"

Galloping Ginny.

"No she didn't"

"She did"

"Get up, boo"

I moved up, and he kissed my breasts.

I got that feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Nope, can't do that" I sat back down on him.

He smiled, and grabbed my ass before kissing me.

He started to flick his tongue in my mouth, and that was weird, but I could get what he was hinting at.

I tried to pull back, but Bryson was pulling me closer.

I could see that he was rock hard.

He drained the tub, and carried me to his room.

"I need you to sit on my face, boo. I gotta look at it"

He was panting hard, and his dick kept twitching.

Bryson guided me onto his chest, and made me bust myself wide open for him.

I heard the slapping sound of him jacking off.

I blushed, and pulled away from myself.

"I gotta eat, boo"

"I don't-"

Bryson flipped us over, and his tongue wriggled it's way into my insides.

I grabbed him by his hair, and pulled back, but that made him more aggressive.

I whined, and arched my back off of the bed.

He kept kissing on my clit, making me weaker by the second.

"You wet, baby. You nasty"

He pushed my thighs further apart, and I could feel myself throbbing against his lips.

"Yes" I whined, and my legs shook before I came in his mouth.

He sat up again, and started jacking off to me.

I sat up, and took over as best as I could.

"Pretty ass" He grunted.

"Thank you"


I made eye contact with him, and his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

I started to speed up, and his balls slapped my wrist.

His cum damn near shot across the room.

If he ever did that inside of me, then my insides would look like an overstuffed pillow.

Brysom fell back on the bed, and I watched him curiously.

He just fell asleep.

Was the nut that damn good?


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