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Mya tilted her juice back, and clung onto my body.

She was my brother's daughter.

But you wanna know something crazy?

She was actually mine.

Mya put her juice up to my lips, and I drunk it all.

That shit was good.

She looked at me as if I were crazy, and started crying.

"Don't offer me nothin' if you can't handle the consequences"

She pouted at me, and I sucked my teeth. "My bad"

I kissed her on the lips, and she wiped it off.

"Oh, you rude"

She hit me with the juice bottle, before turning away.

"Is not yours BryBry"

"Who put it on my lips?"

"Me" She pouted, and picked up the empty cup.

I lifted her up, and went downstairs to get us some more juice.

I sat her on the counter, and looked at my parents who were sitting at the table.

"How y'all folks doing?"

"Don't sit her on the counter like that"

"I know what to do with my niece"

If I had one, cause I didn't.

"Mya stay" She told them.

"I don't know if I can trust Mya to stay" My mom stated.

Brandon walked into the kitchen, and Mya looked at me before frowning.

"Brandon McGhee" I rolled my eyes. 

"Little brother"

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"Little brother"

Bitch ass nigga.

I would forever hate this nigga, but on the surface it was all okay.

"Mya, come here"

"No raisin" Mya shook her head.

I made her call him that. Raisin Bran

And did he expect her to just jump off of the counter?

I left the kitchen, and ran into Genesis.

"Wassup, girl that left me for my brother, then turned around and had my whole child?"

"Shut up" She mumbled.

"She starting to look like me too, and I look like my mama. Raisin Bran got a whole different mother"

"Like I don't know. Bye"


I sat beside Eris.

"Hey, boo"

She ignored me, and continued to write on her paper.

"You got a pencil or something?"

She passed me a pencil, and a small piece of paper.

I opened the note.

I don't like the attention

I picked up my brand new pencil.

So where do you live?

I passed the note.

I saw her smile softly, but then it disappeared.

Take a wild guess

I scowled, and balled the paper up.

I can't ever get away from my dad.

I looked around the class before standing.

"Come on"

She shook her head no, and I frowned.

"We can leave, yeah?"

"Yes, Mr. Sir" My teacher nodded their head.

Eris shook her head once more.

"I don't want to embarrass you"

She stood up, and grabbed her bag. I dropped a twenty on the teachers desk before we left.


I sat her down on a broken washing machine.

"Tell me about you, boo"

She stuck her finger in a hole in her sweatpants, but I pulled it out.

"You do that when you're nervous, yeah?"

I kissed her hand, and placed it behind her.

Her cheeks went red. "Is this a dare? Somebody dare you to do this?"

Her attitude changed, and she hopped off of the washing machine.

"Who? I don't like nobody up in this bitch"

Her chest rose and fell as she stared at me intently.

"Why are you bothering me?"

"You find your voice, and throw accusations at me"

I rubbed her thigh. "Calm down'

"How am I supposed to calm down if you're rubbing my thigh?"

"That's a good question"

I unbuttoned her sweatpants, but she stopped me.

"I'm not having sex with you"

"Shit, me neither" I pulled off her jeans.

"Bryson" She grabbed onto my hands.

I pulled down her underwear, but she crossed her legs.

"You embarassed by a lil pubic hair? It's your body, and I'm still gone eat"

It's not like I could braid or twist it.

I pushed her legs apart, and wrapped my arms around her waist before going down on her.

My tongue had wiggled it's way inside of her, and I started caressing her insides.

I started to hum, and not even five seconds later, she came.


Well that's a disappointment.


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