14 (Third Update)

553 52 40

Hey, friends


Arthur watched me as I ate my cereal.

"Need more milk?" He leaned forward, and I swear the nigga batted his eyelashes.

"I got all the white stuff that I need, thank you"

He giggled. "That was clever"

I finished my cereal. "Yeah, so tell Winifred that I'll see her around"

I washed out my bowl because I didn't want to leave dishes in anybody's house.

Jasmine was at work while I got home.

I washed the dishes here too, and swept the floor before going upstairs.

I was creeping round the house just incase we were currently being robbed.

When I got to my room, I saw a figure laying in my bed.

With hair that could only be Bryson's.

I smiled big, and got into the bed as fast as I could.

I felt his face before kissing all over him. "Baby"

He groaned softly. "My arm, boo"

I looked down at his arm to see that it was all bandaged up.

"What happened?" I moved back to examine the rest of his body.

"I'm good"

"I didn't ask you that" I frowned.

"Well what was my response?"

I turned around, and smacked him in the face. "I don't want your sarcasm, stupid"

He flipped us over, and immediately started to suck on my neck. "I missed you so fuckin' much"

My body refused to calm down.

"You missed me, yeah? Say it"

"I missed you, Bryson. I was lonely"

"I know, boo. I was recoverin'."

"From what?"

"What'chu talking about?" He played dumb.

I hit him again, and he growled lowly into my ear. "Let daddy slide"

I quickly nodded my head. "Remember what I am"

"Yo lil lie?" He joked. "The closest you'll ever be to a virgin is a Virginian"

Bryson pulled me out of all my clothes, and smiled at me.

"I was still turning you on when I was gone, yeah?"

I nodded my head, not even bothering to deny it.

"What you do about it?"

I blushed, and he undressed himself.

I closed my legs the moment his dick sprung free.

"You're not going to even attempt to throw that into my cervix"

No ma'am. I was definitely not the one.

He rubbed on my thigh, and I found myself spreading my legs again.

"You so fuckin' cute. I got me a lil character"

"Oh, I'm the character? You-"

He was trying to distract me while he broke my hymen.

I started to freak out when I felt my walls being stretched beyond their very limited, limits.

"No" I moved back, but Bryson started to rub on my thighs again.

"You got me nervous too, boo"

"How are you-"

He thrusted into me, and my hymen tore.

I fell for it.

"Shhh" He held me, and kissed my forehead.

Tears freely fell from my face, and Bryson rocked us back and forth.

I felt something drip out of me. "B-blood?"

"Uhhh. Mayb-no. Don't worry about it, yeah?"

He started sliding in and out of me, and my hands found their way on his back.

I let out a moan. "Yes"

I could feel myself ripping up his back, as he stroked me slowly.

He sucked and kissed on my neck.

"Bryson" I moaned. "Faster, please"

"You wanna fuck or make love to me, boo?"

My voice had gotten caught in my throat, and he slid all the way out of me.

"The second one" I cried out.

He put it back in, and stared directly into my eyes.

He officially had my soul.


I laid wide awake while Bryson slept. "Thank you"

He threw his good arm around my body, and I kissed his chest.

I couldn't feel my legs at all, but I was satisfied.

Bryson attempted to kiss me in my sleep, but he ended up just brushing his lips against me.

That was alright though.

He had already given me everything else that I wanted.


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