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Hey, bestfriend. How's it going?


"Krabby patty" I dug through Cleo's backpack.

"Aw shit" Demarcus exclaimed.


"My nigga Mr. Krabs a blood wearin' blue"

"Shut the hell up, De" Cleo said, and snatched her backpack from me.

"Ain't no snatchin', Patty girl. Try again" I put her backpack on my back.

"Bryson" She scowled.

I wrapped my arm around Eris's neck, and she sighed deeply.

I glanced her up and down. "Kid's done"

We walked over to the bleachers, and sat in our usual spot.

"New kid keeps staring over here" Demarcus smirked.

"Didn't know we had a new kid" I lied. "She in ya class?"

"Nigga, our class. Fuck you mean?"

I stood up. "Eris, talk with me"

"I'll pass. Thanks" She smiled.

"Kid, you feel like playin' today, yeah?"

"Somebody pray for me" Eris stood up, and followed behind me.

As soon as we were alone, I yanked her sleeve up.

"Take ya goddamn mothafuckin' pills, Eris"

"They're not that deep" She observed her cuts.

"These ain't that deep, kid?" I checked her other arm.

She pulled back, and tears streamed down her face.

I pulled her face into my chest. "Not here, baby"

The only other person that I called baby was Mya. I definitely had a soft spot for Eris.

I had somehow managed for her to calm down, and we went to go sit with Cleo and Demarcus.

Only, Demarcus was talking to Phyl.

"You like girls with a caked up face?" I questioned him.

Phyl ain't never wear no damn makeup before, but now she does.

Demarcus smiled. "It's whatever"

'Dat ass'  He mouthed.

"I like you wearin' ya natural face, boo"

Phylicity cleared her throat. "Well that doesn't matter, now does it?"

"I was talking to my girlfriend" I raised my eyebrow at Phyl.

She looked down at the red x on my arm.

"Nicole wants to meet your mama" I told Leo.

"Why are you calling your mother by her first name?" She laughed.

"So you can tell your mama her first name, boo. We being slow today, yeah?"

Demarcus cleared his throat. "So you are dating my cousin? No touching, kissing, and don't even look at eachother"

"Y'all like sixth cousins, nigga. What can we do?"

"Why y'all gotta do stuff to know that y'all in a relationship?"

I laughed. "Confirmation"

"Nigga, if Leopat pop out your second child, we fighting"

"Mya enough for me" I shook my head. "For now"

"You probably forgot how to raise a kid" Eris said.

"Shit, my kid Eris gone step in and babysit. She a real nigga"

"Your kid? How many times did y'all fuck though?"



"Seventeen?" I questioned. "Eris probably right"

"Seventeen? Did you ever give yourself time to recuperate?" Phylicity asked.

"Why you worried?" Cleo asked.

"The hell I look like running through pussy one time? The shit gotta be mediocre cause-"

Eris put her hand over my mouth. "You're done"

She knew that I was taking a jab at Phylicity.

Cleo cleared her throat. "Yay for relationships"

"My bad boo. Me and Eris don't fuck anymore though"

"I would hope not. We're kinda in a relationship ourselves"

"You want me to hit her, Bryson?" Demarcus asked. "Getting smart with my nigga like that. Who does she think she is?"

"Nah, I got her ass this afternoon"

"Where you going?" Demarcus questioned.

"We going to the mall with Mya around six or seven"

"And what the hell is y'all doing before that?"

I smirked. "Don't worry about it, nigga"


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