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"I just think it's best that you stay away from Eris. It's a shame that you know a girl more than you know your own family"

"Who are you again?" I asked, feeling my head throb.

"I'm your mother"

"Well I'm comfortable with Eris, so why would you take her away from me? Because you're jealous?"

"Jealous? Bryson, you won't speak to me that way."

"If I don't have Eris, I'm leaving. We need eachother"

"Cleopatra is such a nice girl"

"I know she is, but she isn't for me"

"Well you can atleast try-"

"Don't do that. Don't disrespect Eris, you don't control my love life"

I got off my bed, and put my shoes on. "I guess this is goodbye"



She rubbed my back for me, and it had me appreciating the hell out of her.

"Some love?" I requested.

She kissed on my shoulder blades before moving up to my neck, then lips.

"You're stressed"

"I know, baby. Let's talk about you"

"I'm too scared to take a test"

"Want me to take one with you for moral support?"

"If yours reads positive, we're gonna have some problems"

I sucked my teeth. "Nevermind, do it alone"

"Scared now?"

"That's why we're not officially together. I still got room to play your ass"

Eris got up quietly, and started to walk away, but I pulled her back down onto the roof.

"You know I won't serious, yeah? You the only person I trust"



I sat on the tub, and waited with Eris.

"Atleast you drink your water"

"Bryson, don't look at my pee"

"Come here, baby"

She walked infront of me and stood there. "Yes?"

"Would you ever marry me?"

"I'm too young to be thinking about marriage"

"Just answer the question"

"You fall in love too fast. You'd probably move on before we even get that far"

"You don't have no type of faith in me"

"I can be easily forgotten"

"Don't say that to me. Why would you say that?"


The timer went off, and Eris closed her mouth.

"Well, go see if we're having a baby or not" I pushed her forward.

She slowly walked towards the tests, and lifted all three of them up at the same time, and paused.

"Don't be so dramatic, damn"

She released a deep breath. "Well it looks like we're having-"

"Aw shit! I'm deadass ready-"

"Nothing Bryson. They all read negative"

My face fell.

"Well look at the time. I gotta go home, yeah? Bye"


"Nah, you ain't gotta say nothing. Just leave it alone, yeah?"

I left her home, and went back to mine.


"Hey, dad" I said.

The only reason that I knew this man was my father was because I looked like him.

Unless he was my uncle or something.

He slapped hands with me before hugging me.

"I thought you weren't coming back?"

"You kicked me out?" I questioned.

"No, nevermind. Let me stop living in the past"

I looked at the lady beside him. "Uh, dad? Who's your friend?"

Her face fell. "I'm your mother"

So she thought she could just waltz into my life just because I forgot some stuff?

No thank you.

"You can go back to where you came from. I don't need you to feel bad for me"

I went up to my room, and saw Cleo sitting on my bed.

My head started to throb. "What you need?"

"I miss you"

I paused to think.

And I thought hard, trying to come up with some type of memory with her.

The only thing I knew was her name.

Then it hit me.

"I told you that I loved you so many times, and you never said it back. Not once. You didn't even accidentally say it. That hurt"

"I'm sorry. I-"

"Eris loves me. You should go, yeah? See you at school"

She stood up slowly, and her eyes glossed over.

"I don't know if it was real or not, but I'm sorry for taking your virginity, I think"

"You're not helping anything"

"You didn't help anything when you gave up on me so easily. You just left me in the hospital to be confused. You just cared about yourself"

"And you care for, and give your attention to every girl you come across"

"I fall in love too-"

"But you can stop, and control yourself. You have access to your self control"

"You must have never been in love before"


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