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Calynna thought she was my cousin. I played her good, y'all 💀



I could feel Nicole watching me.

Judging me as I clung to Bryson and sobbed.

"Please" I sobbed.

"Eris, maybe you should-"

I tuned whatever she had to say out.

I was sore, and hurt, and everything else on that end of the scale.


I hugged Mya.

"I ain't never leaving. Kill me off, I don't care. I got my baby"

"You selfish" Other Bryson said.

"How? When all I do is bother people? I bother, and I fuck up, and I hurt people"

"Atleast you know"

"I'm serious though" I sat Mya down, and braided her hair.

"Daddy, you leave me soon?"


"Aight, so it's time for you to go. Mya say bye"

She walked over to him, and he picked her up.

She kissed me on the cheek, and other Bryson pushed me back, and I fell.

I fell, and I fell, and I kept falling until I took in that deep breath.


I could recognize her before I could recognize that my eyes needed to be opened.

I wanted to come out the blue and talk, but all I could muster was a weak "Ah".

I brushed my pinkie finger against her leg, and some nurses came in.

They gave me something to drink, medicine to take, a mask to breathe through, and left.

Eris was so far away.

I tried to pull her closer, but something was in the way.

I looked down at her pregnant stomach, and felt sick.

Sick to my stomach, sick to my soul.

I pushed her away from me, and shook my head.

I wanted to speak a thousand words, but couldn't.

"The baby is yours" My mother said, disappointed.

I didn't know what to do with Eris. She just kept crying.

I took my mask off, and shoved my tongue down her throat.

I kissed her lips repeatedly before putting the mask on, already feeling weak.

That really took a lot out of me.

They had me on some type of drugs that made her sobbing fade in and out.

Then I was out.


Phylicity stroked me. "You're a bad, bad boy"

I grunted, and my dick jerked before my cum leaked down her arm.

I needed it.

"You want some ass too?"

I shook my head no, and she got to stroking me again.

I bit the pillow, and Phylicity undressed herself.

"I said-"

"Oh I know what you said" She slid down onto me. "But I know what I want"

She placed my hands on her thighs as she bounced up and down on my lap.

I started to pant, and she rocked her hips against me.

I came fast anyways, then made her leave

Eris came up five minutes later.

"What happened?" I questioned.

She didn't bother responding and started to mess with some stuff on the dresser.

"Can I talk to my baby? Can I do that?"

She quietly left the room.

Here I go with this indecisive bullshit again.

Damn, Bryson.

"Eris, I'm sorry. I don't know how to deal with shit"

I've never apologized about cheating before.

It was just whatever.

I couldn't do shit right.

I couldn't protect my daughter, I can't make my girlfriend happy, and I couldn't even protect me from me.

I reached over, and grabbed the pill bottle.

I don't know if that was heaven or not, but that's where I wanna be.

Shit, I'm a failure here.

But up in them clouds, I was Mya's biggest hero.

I could barely remember her though.

My hands were shaking bad while I unscrewed the cap.

The bottle was smacked out of my hand, and my eyes met with Eris's.

Really? What the fuck was I doing?

I pulled her body up into mine, and I held her tight.

I wasn't even thinking.

I was never fuckin' thinking.

"He hurt me Bryson"

I grabbed hold of her slashed up wrists, but she pulled them back before she broke out sobbing. "Brandon raped me"

Question was, who the fuck is Brandon?


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