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Rich said that he would tell Swan to go live for me 😭. My soul

Also, why the fuck does Swan look so fuckin' good? Like god mothafuckin' damn. I'm looking at this nigga like woo


"Damn, Phyl. Yo nigga leaving every other day"

I frowned as I continued to do my work. "That's his choice"

Bryson refused to come to his classes, but somehow was passing.

Bryson shouldn't be treated differently cause his family got money.

Teachers really thought they were gonna catch their big break.

One of our teachers even pulled me aside to ask about it.

I told them to remain optimistic.

Not that I wanted it, but my nigga ain't even give me money.

The only person he paid off was our first block teacher.

Bryson walked into class, and sat down behind me.

"Hey, boo"

"Mhm" I copied the notes off of the board.

"You mad at me, yeah? I ain't even do nothin'."


"You always mad about some shit. Goddamn, Phyl"


"Tiller, detention" Our teacher stated.

"Mad ass" Bryson flipped my hair.

"Hey, Bryson" Some girl said, and I could just hear the smile in her voice.

"I'm bored as hell" Bryson got up and relocated himself to sit with some other people.

Xander moved to sit beside me. "Wassup?"

I waited for Bryson to come and say something to Xander, but he never did.


I was invited to dinner with his family every night, but tonight it was just me and his parents.

Apparently he went to dinner with Genesis and Mya.

A heads up would've been nice, but it was okay I guess.

Jasmine was out wherever doing God knows what.

"Okay, so Bryson" Nichole, Bryson's mother spoke.


"You've most likely noticed the distance that I've placed between the two of you. I have no shame in admitting it"

I'm at a grilling session, but I'm still starving.

"Yes ma'am"

"I think it's wise to keep the two of you  apart. It would be in his best interest"

"Excuse me?"

"Bryson falls in love too fast, and as much as I love Mya, I don't want a repeat of Genesis"

"I'm not like Genesis-"

"You don't have to have the same personality traits as Genesis to break Bryson's heart. I've- we've been very lenient towards the two of you, but I'm putting my foot down and getting a grip on my household"

Bruce nodded his head. "I like you Phylicity, but I love my son"

"With all due respect-"

"That's what people say before they get disrespectful. With all due respect, Miss Myers, this is not a fairy tail. You don't get to have the man of your dreams, and just run wild with him. That's how those stories usually go, don't they?"

"Yes ma'am"

"I'm here, and I'm here to stay. I shouldn't have let you two have sex. God, you're too attached"

She 'let' us have sex?

"You have no faith in our relationship?" I questioned.

"I see your relationship changing before my very eyes Phylicity. Your initial lust or obsession with each other is fading away"

"That's not true" I stood up. "I'm sorry, but excuse me for walking off"


Today is the one week anniversary of this book 😊

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