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I didn't know that I was tired enough to fall asleep until I woke up to Cleo twisting my hair tight.

"Damn, niggas need edges too. You just sayin' fuck my hairline, yeah?"

"Sorry" She let go of my hair.

It was probably 6:30am, and we were sitting in the hallways.

I didn't finish my work yesterday, cause it was too much, and I couldn't stay back because I had a daughter to bond with

"Why'd we come so early?"

"I didn't expect to zoom through all my work like that. I ain't never cared to before, but now that I do, it's easy"

"Well I'm glad"

"Shit, my mama is too"

"Why do you have a red X over Philadelphia?"

"All the locations in the world, but you can just pick out Philadelphia? I don't even know the shape of our city"

"I know a lil something" She shrugged.

"I found my geography tutor, yeah?"

"Shit, who is it?" She parted my hair.

"Hi" Eris walked passed us.


"Good morning" I gave her a head nod.

She handed us two McMuffins, and went on her way.

"Aw, shit" I unwrapped mine. "Pancake shawty"

"You fucked?" Cleo asked.

I nodded my head. "A few times"

"Think about doing it again?"

I smirked. "Probably not. Why?"

"Shut up"

Nah, why?" I pinched her thigh.

"I was just curious. Seemed like you had history or something"

"Nosy ass. She was never my girl though. I ate her out my second day knowing her though"

"Nasty ass"

"Imma nasty nigga, yeah?"

"Were you trained to say yeah at the end of your questions?"

"Trained? Do I look like a domesticated animal?"

"So you dont say yeah when you're offended?"

"Or mad. I don't care to have anyone agree with me" I laughed.


"What about you?" I sat up, and pulled her inbetween my legs.

"There's nothing to know"

"We got a whole two and a half hours left until school start, but there's nothing to know about you?"

"So you just assume that I'm gonna spend all that time with you?" She smiled.

"I see how it is, Cleopatra"

"I'm only kidding"

"Ya damn right"


"Everybody, let's give our newest student, Phylicity Meyers a warm welcome"

I slid down in my seat. "Aw hell nah"

"Mmmm" Eris tapped her pencil on her desk.

I looked at her, and she shrugged.

'Get on your damn meds' I mouthed.

"Tiller, do you have something to share with the class?"

I pulled my hood up. "Nah"

"No hoods in class, Tiller. Would you like to recite your homework?"

I pulled out my homework, and read all the answers out loud before looking at her. "You know I got this"

Demarcus walked into class with a student resource officer behind him.

"Guess I got lost" He smirked, and slid into the seat behind Cleo.

He ruffled her hair, and leaned over to slap hands with me.

"So we have a couple of distractions" Our teacher picked up a ruler, and slapped it against her desk.

"Lay off. They barely did anything"

"Eris, join your friends"

So we all stood up, and leaned against the board.

She handed us each a text book. "Flip"

I didn't even know how Phylicity could afford this school. She must have been on financial aid or some shit.

"You read first" Eris nudged me.

"I did it last time" I shook my head.

"No, definetly me" Cleo mumbled.

"You snatching up my credit, yeah?"

"I read last. I know explicitly well that I ain't reading first" Demarcus skimmed the page. "This explicit boring anyways"

"Tiller, you read. A presenter makes eye contact if he wants a good grade"

So I stared Phylicity directly in the face.

But she was too busy looking down at the red x across the city of Philadelphia.


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