21 (First Update)

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You guys I'm shoooook. Rich called Swan to the phone on IG live cause I asked if he was there, and Swan did a lil pose for me 😭💕. I got that shit on video, and we're gonna look back on it and laugh someday💀



I walked up to Phylicity's door, and the guard refused to move.

"Excuse me"

"Your mother requested that you don't bother the Myers"

"The fuck?"

I scowled, and went back into my house.

I don't see her enough as it is.

"Bryson" My mother called after me.

I rolled my eyes, and went upstairs to Mya. "Daddy, sleepover"

Genesis was sleeping at the other end of the bed.

"I'm good. I don't wanna interrupt your girl time"

"Mommy is sleep, daddy. It is just me" She pouted.

I got in the bed too, and Mya climbed ontop of me before clinging onto me.

"Waked me up when it's time to sleep"

"You make me proud" I kissed her forehead.


"So you know you fuckin' wildin' right?" Phylicity stood over the bed.

Mya climbed off of me, and I moved but my pelvis hit Genesis's butt.

"I know damn well I ain't fall asleep like this"

Phylicity marched out of the room, and I hopped up and followed after her.

"Boo. You can atleast listen to me, yeah?"


"You were more patient with me when I was dead"

She sucked her teeth. "Go"

"Mya been spending time with us, and I didn't want her to forget who her family was, and I agreed to stay in the same bed as Gen for confusions sake. She moved while I was sleep"

"Okay, but she doesn't like me"

"But she my childs mother. I can't make her disappear like Eris did"

"Where's your brother?" She questioned.

"I never had one" I shrugged, dismissing the topic.

"You didn't come see me today" She pouted.

I assumed that she forgave me.

"My mama like keeping us apart. That's probably why she got you a job"

"I think having a job would be good for me"

"I think I'm too selfish cause I don't want you anywhere else, but with me"

I could see her eyes melting, and I kissed her soft lips before pressing her back against the wall. "Boo"

"No" She declined.

I sucked my teeth. "So you in denial, yeah?"

She know fully damn well she want the dick.

"No, but I can contain it"

"For how long?"

She smacked me in the face. "Oh yeah, who the hell were you talking to in the hallways?"

I smirked. "A third cousin. But you was looking cute when you was mad. I wanted to lay you down and eat you out like the dessert you are"

"Don't tell me that" She pouted.

"I need to lay with you, or hold you or some shit, cause you bein' real cute right now, and maybe I can hide how soft I'm bouta get"

"You don't need to do anything with anybody" My mother walked upstairs.

"Cock blocking" I scowled. "Why you pushing us away from eachother?"

"I have my reasons. Whether you know it or not, it's for your own good"


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