19 (First Update)

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"I missed my booty" Bryson pulled my back to his chest.

His erection pressed against my ass, and I had to take deep breaths to calm down.

"You just be turning me on for no reason, boo"

"Okay" I whispered.

"You would let me get between your thighs again, yeah?"

He breathed against my neck, and I could feel my bones stiffen.

"I missed you so much, Phyl" Bryson kissed me on my neck. "I'm sorry, boo"

"I forgive you"

Mya marched into the room. "Daddy, you show me Philly"

He laughed. "Come up, babygirl"

"I needed more height" She climbed on the stool.

Bryson sat her down on his chest.

"You missed daddy, yeah?"

"Yes" I mumbled.

Bryson raised an eyebrow at me, and my face flushed red.

Mya picked up his right arm, and peeled back one of his bandages.

"What is she-"

"I founded it, daddy"

"Show Philly"

Mya leaned forward, and threw his arm into my face. "Is right here"

I recognized the outline of the Pennsylvania city.


"On my right arm too cause me and Philly going in the right direction"

"You're going to make me cry"

He laughed. "I can't wait to leave this hospital man"


Bryson and I closed the door to my home, and we heard Jasmine moaning, and the oh so familiar slapping sound.

"I ain't know Jas was gettin' dick"

I grabbed his bag from him, and took it up to my room.

Bryson laid down on my bed, and I gathered clothes to shower.

"You won't tryna invite me?" He messed with the bandages on his arm.

"I'm going to be quick"

"I was thinking the same thing" He winked at me.

I took a shower, and when I came back, he was video chatting with Mya.

"Who's phone is she on?"


"Do you guys text sometimes?"



I went downstairs to put my clothes in the dirty clothes basket near the washing machine.

"I didn't know you were here" Jasmine said.

"Well you sure made your presence known"

"Phylicity!" Bryson screamed from upstairs.

"I need dick sometimes. I don't think you'd like me bitter"

"Whatever you say, Jas"

"I'm going to say hi to my other boyfriend" Jasmine exited the room, and I laughed.

When I got upstairs, Jasmine was messing with his arm.

"You know what's crazy?"

"What?" I questioned, and Bryson pulled me towards him.

"You and Phyl were both victims to gun- nevermind" Jasmine looked at me, before leaving.

"No the fuck you didn't" I tried to get up, but Bryson slammed me back down.


"Don't you fuckin' baby me" Bryson got up.

He started to put his shoes on.

"You're leaving me again" I frowned.

"You just won't finna tell me that something happened to you, yeah?"

"I got pistol whipped by some guy trying to rob us, but Jasmine threw a chair over his head, and killed him"

"You know what the fuck you finna do?"

"Stop cursing"

"You moving in with us"

"No I'm not"

"Pay rent, do what you wanna, but you moving, Phyl"


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