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I walked into Eris's new third block.

She 'randomly' decided to switch her schedule up.

"If I didn't know any better, I would say that you were trying to get away from me" I sat on her desk.

"Go" She requested softly.

"If I go, I'm not coming back"

She was a whole different person when we were alone, so as to why she was scared when a couple bitches and niggas were around, I don't get.

She didn't respond, and I rolled my eyes before exiting the class.

The girl named Phylicity stopped me in the hallway.

"You look frustrated, Bryson"

I sighed deeply, and ran my hand down my face. "Wassup?"

She smiled happily, and gave me a hug. "You're being nice"

"What you want?"

"Why were you talking to Edna?"

I shrugged. "Don't ask me. Wassup with you though?"

"Do you like my leggings?"

I looked down at her ass. "Yeah, they cool"

"I couldn't help but notice your pants in gym yesterday"

"They were just plain and gray"

The bell rang for lunch, and she lead me to the cafeteria before sitting me down, and climbing onto my lap.

"Did I say you could do that?"

"You're not shoving me off eith-oh" She adjusted herself on my lap.

"You got a problem with my dick?"

"Of course not. You just keep doing you"


I sat down at the lunch table with Arthur.

"I can't believe he got sucked into the popular crowd" I ate the half salted fry.

"You can't believe it, or you butthurt?"

"You're named after an aardvark that  wears glasses and a yellow sweater"

"That has nothing to do with anything"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Does it?"

"Maybe he was just playing you"

His tongue was playing with my insides.

"You don't just-" I scowled and stopped talking.

Bryson walked up to our table, and I let out a sigh of relief.

"What's your name, bruh?"

"Arthur Read"

"You got a sister named Dora Winifred?"

"Sadly, yes"

"Come on. Sit with us"

I doubted that Arthur would leave me for him, but Arthur was gone before Bryson could turn to walk with him.

"I gotta isolate you, so all you think about is me, boo"

He turned, and left.

This was most likely the beginning of a very cruel relationship.

If I could even call it that.


Arthur got on the bus with me, smiling.

"Guess what?"

"I'm sure you'd tell me regardless"

"Phylicity smiled at me"

"While she was sitting on Bryson's lap?"

"So. She ain't really want to be there"

Nobody placed her on Bryson's lap but her, so she must have wanted to be there.

The bus ride got bumpy, and I leaned my head against the window.

"I think this year is our year" He sighed happily.

He dreamed more than I did.

"Whatever you say, Arthur"


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