10 (Fourth Update)

707 56 31

Somebody tell Swan that I want the dick


"Your boyfriend has a nice looking butt" Jasmine patted his behind, and he scowled.

"Now I know to stay away from you" He grabbed a bag of chips that he bought.

Jasmine threw a condom at him, and Bryson glanced at it before smirking.

He turned, and looked me right in my eye. "I'm gonna need a larger size than that"

"But. . .but I got the bigger size as a joke" Jasmine's eyes widened.

He laughed before walking upstairs.

"Phylicity, let that man dick you down. I can make myself scarce"

"Now I know how responsible you are, guardian"

"What, do you want me to throw birth control at you?"

I shook my head, before going upstairs too. The bathroom light was on, so Bryson was there.

I went into my room, and he grabbed me from behind.

"You tricked me"

He led me over to the bed, and pulled me down ontop of him.

"I'm thankful for you, boo" He looked up at me.

I could feel myself throbbing.

Bryson started to rub on my thighs, and his eyes closed.

"I like you when you mad, and you be gettin' aggressive and shit"

He grinded upward into me. "Feel it?"

I nodded my head, and felt my breathing pattern change as it got hotter, and hotter.

Bryson stopped grinding, but he was still rock hard beneath me.

"I'm a virgin" I blurted.

"No fuckin' way. You offered to suck my dick as soon as you saw me"

"That was all talk. I just wanted to converse with you first"

"You ever suck dick?"


"I need their name, hair color, addy, and social security number"

I laughed, and he pulled me down ontop of him.

"I just be wanting to slide into you sometimes. You make my dick ache, boo"

He flipped us over, and I wrapped my legs around him.

Bryson started to hump me while laughing, but I got serious real quick.

I slid my tongue into his open mouth, and whined softly.

He propped himself up onto his knees, and started grabbing on my booty.

Then, he stood up, and took his jeans off. "Suffocating my dick"

Bryson climbed back ontop of me, and sucked on my neck.

"You don't want it, baby"

His voice was deeper, and he sounded like he was trying to control himself.

"I do, Bryson. I don't care"

"What do you want me to do to you?"

His hands found their way inside of my panties, and he slid three fingers into me.

It hurt a little, because that was too many.

"It's  - hot" I panted.

Bryson took me out of all of my clothes, and went back to fingering me.

The door was still open and everything.

I tried to hold in my moans, but Bryson smacked my thigh, and I let them out.

"How it feel?"

"Please" I whined.

I'm pretty sure that Jasmine could hear me.

Bryson slid his hands out of me. "You thought you was finna cum, yeah?"

"The -the fuck?" I panted.

"You can't cum if I can't"

"Then bend me over and have me. My pussy is officially yours"

He stuck his fingers in his mouth, and it felt like the throbbing between my legs would never end.

"You all naked. Why you do that?"

"Fuck you"

Bryson kissed me before getting off the bed. "Boo, we got school tomorrow"


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