Chapter 1

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"Dad can I go outside please?" I yell into the back of the cave we live in.

"No!You know you can't do that, especially today." I heard him shout back.

"Dad you know I can't help it!"

"Fine, Beryl, you can go. But be careful! And call if you need me!" I walk outside and take a deep breath and blew out fire. My fire isn't the same as a normal dragon's, mine changes colors, no two blasts the same color. Wings ripped from my shoulder blades, they start black and fade to purple. I groaned as I felt my bones growing and moving to fit my form. Fangs grow and talons from my hands. Scales cover my skin, the color the same as my wings, black to purple. A tail grew from my tailbone and sprouted spikes at the ends. I tense then take to the sky. Man it felt good to fly!

A dark figure flew up to me and studied me for a minute before creating a chain and collar of blackness and securing it around my neck. It started to drag me higher towards a star.

"Let me go! Dad! Dad! Help!" I shout then blow fire at it. The pink flame passed through it.

"Beryl!" I hear my dad bellow and turn to see his huge form take to the sky and follow us. He was fast but the figure is faster and soon we pass into the star. "I will find you I promise!"

The dark figure dropped me roughly in the forest. With my huge bulk, I broke the tops of trees clean in half. I hit the ground and change back. I see a light in the distance and sprint for it and stop when the trees end. There were boys dancing crazily around a bonfire. I went to slowly back away and bumped into something hard and warm.

"Taking a walk, love?" Said a deep, British voice. I turn to see a rather attractive boy maybe a year older than me. He smirks and shoves me into the clearing. The boys dancing earlier were now all standing ready with various weapons."What's your name?"

"You first." I demand. The first thing my dad told me in Dragon Training was never give your name, well your real one. He smirks again and starts to slowly circle me."Why-what are you doing?"

"Well isn't it obvious? I'm sizing you up." He answered flatly.

"Sizing me up... for what might I ask." It was more a demand than a question.

" Our game. I'm going to give you a 5-minute head start. Starting now." He said while pretending to look at a watch on his wrist.

"Excuse me!" I'm not a prize to be hunted down!"I shout angrily. Stay calm Beryl, don't go dragon and show them what you are... not yet.

"Three minutes..."

"No." He looked at me with a look of anger and surprise.

"What did you say." He growled out and walked closer to me. He stopped inches from my face and looked me in the eyes. I leaned forward a little bit.

"I said NO!" I whisper. He tried to backhand me, but thanks to my dragon-heightened senses I pulled my hand up caught his hand. I then whipped my hand forward and slapped him on the cheek. He stumbled back with a hand on his face.

"Answer this one question. What's your name?" He said smoothly but his eyes gave away his rage. He's trying to trick you, don't tell him. Just like in training give a fake name.

"Kiara." I answer flatly. "Kiara Pride. Who are you?"

"I'm Peter Pan and your lying to me, love. I'm not fond of liars." The boys all surrounded me, weapons aimed at my heart. "So let's try that again, and no lying, love, or it won't end pretty for you."

"My name is Kiara Pride." The boys tightened the circle. "My name is Kiara Pride." Closer came the circle. "My name is Kiara Pride." Their weapons were all touching me now. "Don't make me do this." They all laughed harshly."Okay you asked for it." I ducked below the line of weapons and spun, kicking out their legs. Soon I stood in the middle of a group of groaning boys staring down this 'Peter Pan'.

"I'm impressed. Not many people can hit us and be alive as long as you." He said slowly walking up to me. I put my hands behind my back and turned my fingers into claws. I let him get closer before I lashed out and slice cleanly through his skin and clothes. He stumbled back then stood up and looked at his wounds, five perfectly slashed lines gushing blood. He put his hand over the center of his chest and the gashes healed.

"Now, love, I'd like to know how you did that." He said walking back up to me. He kept walking and forced me to walk backwards and into a huge tree. He put his hands on the side of the tree next to my face.

"You don't want me to." I said softly.

"Actually, love, yes I do." He said just as softly as I did.

"Okay, but you asked for it." I pull my legs up and kicked him back. I changed into my dragon form and looked down at Peter, who was standing and smirking like he knew it all along. The boys were standing in shock.

"Boys, observe. This is the rarest creature ever to walk the earth, daughter of the one and only Alecon Black and Lyna Orac, Beryl Manstra. Her father is the king of dragons who loved a human. He slowly grew the ability to change and soon married Lyna Orac." Peter said with amusement. I growled and pinned him to the ground. I blew bright red fire before I took off. I didn't get far when the boys started trying to bring me down.

They threw nets and ropes at me. I burned through most of the ropes and all the nets. One rope caught my foot and tethered me to the ground. I was slowly pulled down when I got an idea. I changed into myself and the rope slips off. As I was changing back, something hit me hard in the spine. I was falling through the sky! I almost hit the trees when something caught me bridal style.

"Couldn't let you fall, love. No fun that way." Whispered Peter in my ear.

"Put me down!" I shout over the wind. He smirks and drops his arms. I form wings, even though it hurts like heck! I slowly glide down onto a beach and sit by the lapping waves. A female head pops up from the water and waves at me.

I scramble up and dive in thinking she's drowning. I get to her and she smiles. I see the has gills on her throat and sharp teeth. She grabbed my arms and dragged me under the water. I fight my way back to the surface and she digs her claws into my sides. I make claws, turn to her and slash her across the face. I grow wings and start to fly away her claws were still dug into my sides and she bit me hard on the thigh. I fully change and she slides off my scales. I land heavily on the sand and change back. I go to sit up and black out.

Peter Pan's Dragon Girl (OUAT Peter pan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now