Chapter 25

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Beryl p.o.v

"Beryl, my child, I've been looking everywhere for you!" Dad said softly, though surrounded by the Lost Boys with their various weapons drawn for the attack. He eyed them warily, teeth bared and claws ready for the kill. I stepped through the crowd of boys and stood between them and my dad.

"Ber! Get away from the Dragon it'll kill you!" Petey shouted and reached out his hand. I shook my head no and stayed where I was.

"Petey this is my father!" He stared at me in shock, as did Bae and Felix. "Guys meet my father, Alecon Richard Black. Dad this is the Lost Boys of Neverland." He growled at them warningly.

"Beryl it's time for us to leave this place and go back home." The boys tensed angrily and I stared at my dad.

"W-what? Leave Neverland? Why?" Dad growled at the boys again.

"Because our home is on earth. The other Dragons need us."

"Dad there are no other Dragons! We are the last of our kind! They are all dead and you know it's true! If there were others don't you think they'd of said something, sent you a sign that they were still out there? Dad we are the last Dragons to ever walk the earth again. Why would you want to go back to back to a place where we are hunted everyday? Back to the dark, musty cave we called a place to live? Dad we are accepted here on Neverland! These are my friends, my family, people I love!"

"But they are mere boys, Beryl. They don't know what real love is! They'd have to grow up to love someone!" I shook my head no and backed up toward the boys. Petey stepped out and twined our fingers together.

"That's not true dad, they know exactly what real love is. It's the childish love that makes you want to laugh and cry at the same time. Where you want to hug and choke someone simultaneously. That's the best kind of love."

"No that's not love, Beryl, that's a child's fodder. They've been keeping you a prisoner! Look at what they did to your wings! That's not love if they keep you caged like a bird with clipped wings!" I lifted up my torched wings, flinching against the pain.

"Father that wasn't them, this is your doing." He was grief stricken at that revelation. His eyes filled with bright tears as he realized what he had done.

"Oh Beryl, I am so sorry!! Please forgive me I didn't know!!" He shifted down to his human form, black hair in a ruffled mess, bright blue eyes tear-filled, pale skin from life in the dark, and clothes all a matching shade of black. He walked up to me and wrapped me in a hug, careful of my wings. He smelled of brimstone and dirt, something I grew up smelling. A pang in my chest made me realize that I missed him more than I initially thought.

"I forgive you father. I always will. I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, my dearest baby girl." A twig snapped and everyone snapped to the sound. The people I met in the woods before were all standing by the treeline, weapons ready. I changed into a dragon and leapt over everyone to tower above them threateningly. Father had changed as well but stood at the back of the group, teeth bared and the light of the fire glowing between his scales on his chest. Petey teleported to the front of the boys and stood by me with his arms crossed and a devilish smirk on his face.

"Welcome to Neverland. Why are you here and what makes you think you can trespass onto my island?" The man who talked to me last time stepped forward.

"We are here for a boy named Henry and a girl. Do you have them because we really need them both and would like to head home as quickly as possible." I noticed him flick his gaze over to me then back to Peter quickly. I narrowed my eyes at them and growled menacingly.

"And that is your excuse for barging onto MY island? Who are you all and tell me quickly, I also advise you not to lie, I'm not fond of liars and those who lie to me end up dead." Not quite true, I lied to him and I'm very much alive, but they don't need to know that.

"This is Prince Charming, Snow White, Emma Swan, the Evil Queen, Captain Hook, and I am the Dark One. Now where's Henry and the girl?" I glared down at Hook and bared fangs.

"You must have a death wish, Hook, coming here. Don't worry, it'll be a quick death I don't have time to torture you at the moment." I snarled out, smoke billowing out of my nose and sparks flying from my mouth at nearly every word. The one named Emma Swan jumped forward with her sword drawn and pointed at me.

"We just want what we came for! All we really need is Henry, someone else wanted the girl."

"Who's the someone else? What do they want with the girl?" I wasn't about to tell them it was me, though I think they already know it is me this person wants. Snow White answered me this time.

"They told us they wanted to protect someone they cared about from her. Always called them their 'beloved'." I saw Petey stiffen at the word but quickly played it off.

"Do you know who their beloved is?" Another voice answered me from behind.

"You don't need to know, Beryl Manstra!" I twisted my head around to the new voice. She had curly blonde hair and angry blue eyes, her clothes were normal-ish, she also held a long dagger to the throat of Baelfire. Not caring about the others, I completely turn to face this girl who is threatening my friend's life.

"Who are you?"

"Why don't you ask Peter. Go on, tell her." I looked down at Petey, his face slack with shock.

"Wendy. Her name is Wendy Darling."

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