Chapter 23

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Unknown p.o.v

"You met her, but you didn't kill her like I told you to!? She's going to tell him that you all are here, if he doesn't already know!" I shouted at the group before me. The tall, dark woman who's name I found out to be Regina, the Evil Queen herself, scowled at me.

"If you knew this was going to happen then why don't you kill her yourself?"

"I can't. Nobody really can." I saw their confused faces and sighed in frustration. "Do you guys remember what happened to Maleficent? How she was never found? Can you guess who did that? Did you even notice she was gone?"

"We just figured she went to her castle or something like that. What happened to her?" Questioned the one named Snow White.

"She was killed..... by Beryl Manstra. The very one on this island. The one you guys just let live! She fought Maleficent, she even drug her back to Earth to kill her. She took her staff and shattered it, killing Maleficent." The blonde called Emma Swan looked at me curiously and accusingly at the same time.

"How do you know this?" I look them all in the eyes, faking sadness and fear to get them to believe me. Truthfully, I didn't care about any of this, I just wanted what was mine.

"I watched her do it." I wasn't lying, I did see her kill Maleficent. I flashed back to the time when the great beast broke through the sky and killed the powerful witch easily. At first it terrified me, seeing her crumble to pieces and scatter into the wind, now I'm determined to take this monster down to hell. She doesn't belong on Neverland, neither did the other girls that were there before her but after me. My beloved is mine and will always be, and I will make sure of it.

"What do you mean when you say nobody can really kill her?" Snow White asked again.

"When the war started, I watched as Maleficent changed into her true self, a great orange dragon like Beryl did. They fought in the skies, scales and blood rained to the ground, growls and roars of pain and anger rattled the trees. It was a terrifying sight to see. Maleficent changed into a human and stabbed Beryl in the heart with her staff. She should've died instantly but instead she took Maleficent to Earth and killed her, coming back the victor and ending the battle." I pulled out two large scales from my bag, one a faded orange the other a mix of black and purple. Both were about the same size of my head, scratched and chipped from battle, the orange one worse than the other. I handed them to the golden man called either The Dark One or Rumplestiltskin, Rumple for short.

"How amazing! The scales are harder than any armor I've ever known! You said she tore them off? With her hands? How is this possible?"

"When she tore them off, she wasn't human. She was a large black and purple dragon. She can change at will. Her father is Alecon Black, and yes that Alecon Black. His shadow brought her here and she's been here ever since, not adding the time she left to kill Maleficent."

"Why do you care if she's here or not?" Snapped the Evil Queen. "We came only for Henry! Not to assassinate a girl who doesn't matter!" I snap my head to look at her.

"Doesn't matter? DOESN'T MATTER! This girl can kill every one of you in her sleep and you say that she doesn't matter! The reason I care that she's here is because I am protecting someone I love from her!"

"And who is this beloved of yours? We won't go around killing random girls on this island because you told us to! Either you tell us who this beloved is or you can attempt her murder on your own!" Emma retorted, jumping up with her sword she brought here. I smirked and stood, creating twin scimitars from the air.

"Do you really want to do this, oh worshipped Saviour? I've been dueling long before you were even born." I swung the swords in a wide arch. She lunged forward and I blocked easily then shoved her backwards. She stumbled but caught herself. Hook jumped up and drew his own swords, standing between us, a sword point at both of us.

"This isn't going to solve anything, you two! I've seen what this girl can do. She sunk my ship by spewing fire and brimstone from her mouth. She is dangerous beyond understanding." He waited until she sheathed her sword and mine disappeared. We sat back down by the fire, glaring at each other but no longer at each other's throats.

The sky suddenly went black. I looked up to see the stars and moon disappearing until there was nothing but pitch blackness. The others panicked and started to call out to each other; Snow for Charming, Regina for nobody, Hook for Emma, Emma for Neal, and Rumple for everyone else. I sat and watched as a small, bright red pin point of light appeared then grew bigger and bigger. It covered the sky in blood red and stayed that way for a bit. I could see everyone, but it was all red and black. I looked back up at the sky for a few seconds before the sky exploded. 

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