Chapter 28

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Beryl p.o.v

I raced into the thick vegetation in mad pursuit of the Wolf Witch. I shoved aside stray limbs and vines as I jumped over fallen logs and creeks whilst following the sent trail of her. It's not really that hard to distinguish which sent was hers, it reeked of death against the sweet smell of Neverland. I made it to a large clearing when I spotted her retreating, cowardly figure. I growl and start off again, using dragon speed to catch her. I leap onto her back and we crash to the ground. I rolled her over and pinned her arms to the ground, my knee to her throat.

"What kind of poison did you infect Bae with?"

"A very potent one. A mix of Dreamshade and Nightshade. He'll be chocking on his own acidic blood soon! I estimate he has only a few more hours of torturous life left."

"How do I heal him?" She glared at me with a smirk on her distorted face. I shove my knee further into he throat. "Tell me witch!"

"Never!" I lifted her by her hair and began dragging her back towards camp. She produced a dagger and tried to stab me in the ribs. Thankfully I was hybrid so the dagger shattered into tiny fragments against my scales. I made it to camp and roughly lashed her wrists together and tied them to a pole.

I created claws and stalked in a circle around her. She followed my walking as far as she could with her never ending black eyes. I stopped and looked her on the eyes.

"Tell me." She laughed quickly and stood silent. I shrugged and reared back to claw her. She closed her eyes in preparation. When I never attacked, she opened her eyes a slit. I had dropped my hand behind my back and started breathing harshly.

"What's the matter, Witch Hunter? Can't hit?" I didn't answer her taunt verbally, I answered her by punching her square in the jaw with bronze knuckles I had procured from the Neverland magic. Blood flew and smattered the ground in gooey globs, her blood was a dark purple. It dribbled down her chin from the corner of her mouth in a thick river of violet.

"No not at all Wolf Witch. Tell me!" When she never answered, I repeated with a resounding crack. She spat a thick glob out and smiled a bloody smile.

"You have the remedy, Witch Hunter." I drew back for another blow when it dawned on me what she meant. I left her where she was and sprinted to Bae. I dropped down and took Petey's knife. I drug the sharp tip across my wrist and flexed my hand to coax out the flow.

My blood swelled up and ran down my hand to drip quickly off my fingers onto Bae's wound on his chest. I consistently flexed my hand to continue the steady stream of deep crimson. After about five minutes I sat back, exhausted and dizzy from blood loss. Petey rapidly healed my gash and wrapped me into a gentle hug as we waited for the blood to do it's work.

Bae slowly regained color and strength as his wound slowly stitched itself back together. Felix moved him into the medical tent until he was completely healed. The Wolf Witch was still bound fast to the pole. Petey and I stood facing her as she squirmed against her bonds.

"How do you kill witches on earth Ber?" Petey asked loudly, making sure Wendy heard us.

"There are many ways, none are too pleasant for the Witch. There's beheading, hanging, dismemberment, setting on fire. The best way to make sure they're dead is either beheading or burning. I prefer the dismemberment best, to be honest. Some have impaled them then burned them for good measure. Take your pick Petey."

"I say we torture, slow dismemberment, hanging, beheading, then finally burning." We looked at each other and evilly smirked.

"I'll gather the Lost Boys." I turned around and shouted in a sickly sweet, singsong voice. "Boys gather around! Time for some fun!" They sprinted from the posts, beds, tents, the woods, everywhere. They lined up in a perfectly straight line from tallest to shortest, Felix was first, he stood absolutely still, an evil smile twisting his features and his scar. I walked up and whispered in his ear.

"Make it painful just don't kill her. I plan on doing that myself. Have fun, my brother." He nodded, a sadistically gleeful smile ranging from ear to ear, and pulled out a wicked looking knife. I backed up and glanced over at the Wolf Witch with enough mischief to make her squirm harder to free herself, which ended futility.

"Let the game begin, my family! Let the game begin!"

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