Chapter 14

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Please listen to Over My Head by The Fray during this! I think it's the perfect song for this sad atmosphere!

Beryl p.o.v

I can't believe this! He's kissing her! KISSING!

I'm pretty sure everyone on the island could hear my heart break. I silently walk across the white sand toward them. I was a few feet away when they parted.

"Now give her to me." Who? I didn't wait to find out. I slam onto the Mermaid, dragging her under the waves. I fully change and lash at her with my back legs. Blue blood filled the water as my claws made contact with her skin. She hissed and lunged at me and drug her nails down my unprotected chest. Red blood mixed in with the water and blue blood.

I tucked in my wings and swam to the bottom of the lagoon. Using my back legs I shot up and grabbed her tail in my jaws, biting down hard. She turned and raked her claws against my scaled throat. I bit harder, breaking her bone then shredded her flimsy tail, letting her sink while I swam up to the surface. I land back where I landed before and changed back.

"Ber!" I whip around at the sound of Peter's voice and growl, baring fangs at him in anger. He stopped walking and stood in confusion.

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"Don't play stupid with me Petey! I saw you kiss that Mermaid!"

"Wait let me explain..."

"What is there to explain! You KISSED her! I can't believe I actually thought you- ughh! And you actually got me to- ahh! She has you in the palm of her webbed hand! I'm such a freaking idiot!" He stepped forward and I stepped back.

"Ber please listen to me-"

"No! All you've ever done was lie to me! Goodbye, Peter." And with that I shifted into a dragon and flew unsteadily away as fast I dared with my injuries. I flew to the mountain at the center of the island. I found a large cave hidden among the greenery and crash landed into the entrance. I curled up, careful of my wounds which were healing slowly, and tried not to cry. I tried, but failed, and started bawling.


Peter p.o.v

No! Ber please don't leave me! Please!

I watched in utter heartache as she flew away, bloody and exhausted. I dropped to my knees, tears flowing down my cheeks. I dropped my head into my hands. I followed her to the mountain and up to a hidden cave. I watched as she curled gingerly around her wounds and cried and cried hard. I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces, like someone tied a bomb to it and blew it apart.

"Ber please... please believe me. I love you and only you. Please." I whisper between heaving sobs. "Please don't leave me Ber." I slowly and shakily stand up and walk back to camp. I'm not able to teleport because my wild emotions may inadvertently transport me somewhere other than camp.

"Peter?" Asked Felix cautiously when I returned to camp, my face red and tear stained. I looked at him and shook my head then walked to my tent. I stop just past the tent and it dawned on me. I took deep, shaky breaths, trying to pull in air.

I sit on the bed and take it in. I lay down and listen to Ber as she cries because of me. The sound of her crying broke something in me and I cried and cried and cried along with her.

She was right, Maleficent was right. I've lost what matters most to me. I've lost Beryl.

The next few days went by in agony. Ber did come once in a while, but she would only talk to the Boys then fly away to her cave. It was 12 days since the Mermaid thing and I've beat myself up everyday since then.

"Peter you need to get her back. Neverland is horrible because of you moping around. Stop being depressed and try something!" Said Felix, breaking me out of my reverie.

"What could I possibly do?"

"I don't know but doing nothing isn't going to bring her back either." I thought about it for about an hour before I got the perfect idea.

"Felix, I have an idea."


Beryl p.o.v

I was stalking a deer when I heard a voice. I haven't heard this particular voice in nearly two weeks, but it didn't make the pang in my chest go away.

"Ber I know your out here! Please just come with me. I have to show you something important! Please!" I change into my human form and walk into the clearing I heard his voice come from.

"What do you want Petey?" I asked him, crossing my arms over my chest. He looked sheepishly at the ground then up at me.

"I want to talk about what happened. Please don't leave! Just hear me out."

"Fine." He smiled slightly and pulled out a piece of cloth.

"Sorry but I have to do this because where we're going is a secret. Not even the Lost a boys know this is on the island." I roll my eyes but let him place the cloth over my eyes. I shiver as he gently grabbed my hand and led me to the secret place.

"Are we there yet?"

"Almost. OK here we are!" He removed the cloth from my eyes.

"Oh my god..." It was beautiful! There was a wall of sheer rock making a semicircle, created a large ledge to sit on right next to a crystal clear waterfall that came to rest in a green, shallow pool.

"I'm glad you like it. This is where I go to get away from everything." He led me up a naturally made set of stairs to the top of the ledge. I laughed at the sight of a picnic sitting near the top of the waterfall.

"Petey you are so cliché!" He smirked and sat down on the blanket. I sat next to him and laughed. We had a nice sandwich lunch with rather awkward tension between us.

"OK so down to business. Ber I didn't mean to kiss that Mermaid. When Sanya died I forced the Mermaids into a deal, I'd get what I wanted from them but I had to pay a price that they set at the time I get what I wanted. I went to Mermaid Lagoon to get you back. I was afraid that they were going to kill you like they did Sanya. Her price, as you know, was a kiss. I'm sorry Ber please stop being mad at me! It kills me when you ignore me like this!" I sat back against the stone wall.

"I'm sorry Petey! I didn't know! And I've been such a jerk!" I laid my head back against the wall and placed my hands over my face in shame. I heard him shift closer to me and pull my hands away from my face.

"And I've been even worse. This time we were both the idiots." He said and laughed. I smile at him and lean forward and hugged him. He hugged me back.

"I missed you, Petey." I mumbled into his shirt. He kissed the top of my head and rested his head on mine.

"I missed you too Ber."


Omg I almost cried while writing this chapter!! But the ending is adorable!!

Thanks for all the reads!! Over 200 reads!! I honestly never imagined this story getting over 50!! I'm freaking happy right now!!!

Stay crazy my little Demons!! Love you guys!!

Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease!!

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