Chapter 3

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I walked into the tent Peter and I were at the moment sharing. Peter followed behind me somewhat flustered.

"Why am I sleeping in the floor? Why can't you? It is MY island." He asked confused.

"Because I'm the girl and it's nice to, okay. Plus we are NOT sharing and I refuse to sleep on the floor."

"So you think I won't refuse to sleep on the floor too?"

"Do you want to share?" I asked sarcastically. He smirked mysteriously and dangerously.

"I wouldn't mind." He answered slyly. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him.

"Perv! I don't think you want to share a bed with me. I shift in my sleep. Do you want to be sleeping next to a human and wake up to a full on dragon?" I laughed at his expression. "That's what I thought. Good night Peter." I said while crawling into the bed and pulling up the comforter. He stared at me in surprise before grumbling and getting another blanket, laying it on the floor, and getting on it and fell asleep. I rolled over and soon fell asleep.

I woke up splayed out on the bed. My skin was covered by a transparent film of black and purple scales, leathery wings were spread wide from my shoulder blades, fingers were talons. There were also small claw marks in the sheets. Peter walked in and smirked.

"Good morning, love, I see that you weren't lying about the whole 'shifting in your sleep' thing. Come on, love, get up. You need to be initiated as a full citizen of Neverland!"

"So you decided to watch me sleep and then tell me?" I ask jokingly. He crossed his arms and quirked an eyebrow.

"No. The initiation begins at sunset. Traditionally, we would go mess with the other inhabitants until then. So you need to get up!" He said somewhat sternly before smiling and walking out of the tent. I stretched and walked into the clearing. All the boys immediately check me out. I growl again and blast a little bit of purple fire into the air. They jump and walk away slowly.

"God! They act as though they've never seen a girl!" I said loudly. Peter smiled and walked up to me. His body language screamed insane but hey.

"Look who finally arose from the dead!" He retorted sarcastically. I wiggled my eyebrows at him.

"Haha funny Petey."


"Your new nickname, Petey!" He slowly walked up to me and smiled devilishly.

"Alright then. That means I give you a little nickname. I'm going to call you-"

"Gorgeous, Wonderful, Amazing." I said jokingly.

"No, I'm thinking more along the lines of... Ber"

"If you must! So what other inhabitants are we wrecking havoc on today, Petey?" I asked, rubbing my hands together in anticipation.

"Take a pick, Ber. There's Fairies, Mermaids, Pirates, and Indians."

"Pirates!" I said anxiously.

"Alright, Ber. Let's begin Neverland Initiation!" He said slyly before smirking and disappearing into the thick jungle.

"Petey!" I shout. I hear him softly laughing as I ran in after him.

Peter Pan's Dragon Girl (OUAT Peter pan fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now