Chapter 5

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Beryl p.o.v

We finally made it to the place the Pirates lived. As Petey called it, Pirate Cove. As of now, we are hiding in some bushes by the shining white, sandy beach. I snuck up behind Peter and I placed my face close to his.

"What are we doing?" He slightly jumped at the closeness of my voice. I chuckle at him quietly but loud enough he could hear me.

"We are waiting for an opening."

"Then what?" I softly whispered in his ear.

"I could ask the same thing myself." Said a deep voice behind us. We both whip around to see who the voice belonged to. He had black hair, blue eyes, olden clothing, and a slight lilt to his voice. "Don't be too surprised to see me."

"Good morning Hook." Said Peter with a smile in his voice. "Why are you on my island?" He reached back and softly grasped my hand and pulled me behind him.

"I wanted to make a bargain with you, Pan. You let the crew and I have the girl and this will all go more smoothly." I tensed, ready to either fight or flee. Peter squeezed my hand gently.

"If I don't?"

"This will get ugly fast. You don't want that do you?" Hook said flatly but his eyes and expression said he wanted the latter. Peter was quiet for several moments, contemplating the benefits and consequences.

"Petey I'll go it'll be fun. For me anyway. And I've been itching to change, kind of a curse thing, I'd have to tell you later." I whisper in his ear.

"Fine, but I want to talk to her first." Hook nodded curtly. We walk further from him into the woods. He stared at me intently. "I'll come get you after sunset. If they hurt you I'll know and I'm going to come to that bloody ship and sink it with every single godforsaken Pirate, promise. Have fun while I'm gone, I'm expecting a good story tonight." He said the latter part jokingly.

"I'll try not to have too much fun okay, Petey. Wouldn't want you to miss out." I smiled at him. He shook his head at me, smiling.

"Camp will be boring until then."

"The boys can find someone else to check out until then." He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off.

"Come on Pan, I haven't got all day! Say bye to your little girlfriend and leave!" I smiled and leaned forward, wrapping my arms around him. He did the same.

"See you tonight, Petey." I whisper.

"See you, Ber. Have fun, make them regret it." He whispers back. I nod and we part, me walking to the beach him walking to camp. We both look back at each other and smile. When I get back to Hook his whole demeanor had changed. He went from I'm-a-bloody-pirate to I'm-a-man-who-wants-some-action.

"Don't touch me or I will kill you slowly." I growled out. He smirked and raised his eyebrows. I stalked past him and onto the blinding white beach. There was a small ragtag band of Pirates. They were all filthy from years of being on the ocean without bathing. Some were blonde, most brunette, there was a ginger haired man mixed into them, his bright hair stuck out like a sore thumb against the dirt and grime.

"Crew this is our new play toy. Be nice to her and maybe she won't bite too hard." Said Hook sadistically. The group of men turned and checked me out. Some made sexual gestures at me and others egged them on. I rolled my eyes and started up the gangplank. As I was walking one man covered in grit and filth reached out and slapped my behind. I turned around and punched him in the nose. Blood spurted from his nose.

"Don't touch me." I growl. The man wiped his hand across his face, smearing blood along his cheek.

"Feisty, aren't we. Good thing I like 'em feisty."

"Now now, Preston. Save her for everyone else." I continued up the gangplank and into the main deck. Pirates were everywhere, on the masts, the sides, the deck, below deck. All eyes were on me, all with different expressions. Mostly the expressions were lustful, some had surprise, a few were saddened. And every one of them had weapon with them.

How is Petey going to get past all of these guys? He'll be killed the moment he steps on this ship!


Oh!!!! I was cracking up while writing the part where she punches him. Girl power!!!!!

QnA: What do you think Hook and the Pirates act when she changes? Write your answer in the comments. Closest person to the answer I'll follow you. If I already am I'll do something nice for you.... not sure what yet but I will!

Vote, comment... anything you feel like doing

Stay crazy! Love you my little Demons!!

Love, Peace and Chicken Grease!!!

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