Chapter 27

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Beryl p.o.v

She just stabbed Baelfire! That's going too far! She'll pay for this! I'm going to kill this godforsaken witch!

Wendy wickedly smiled as she removed the dagger roughly from Baelfire's chest, covered up to the hilt in crimson liquid that belongs in Baelfire's body. He wheezed out a breath, his expression shell shocked. The dark liquid bubbled up in his mouth and streaked down the corner of his lips then dropped down onto the dust of Neverland, mixing into a thick, dark, murky muck at his feet.

"Beryl..." Was all he could manage before dropping first to his knees then onto his back on the ground. I threw down my swords and ran to his side, disregarding the Wolf Witch cackling though all I heard was faint, manic laughter. I cradle Bae's head in my lap, he was already sweaty and breathing harshly. His hair, usually sticking up in luscious, wild disarray now stuck to his forehead in stringed clumps.

"It'll be okay Bae, you're going to be okay." I chant soothingly whilst gently running my fingers through his black, damp hair. His eyes began to cloud over and dialate as he slipped away. Tears roiled up and streamed down my cheeks in a never ending torrent. Peter kneeled down next to me with a horrified expression. I looked at him in pleading, begging him to help Bae with my eyes.

"Please Petey, help him, please!" He nodded and placed his hand over the bleeding wound that was stealing the life from Bae. A golden glow shone faintly under and through his fingers as he slowly repaired the lethal damage. A quick movement caught my attention. Wendy had created another dagger and was about to stab Felix as well. I leapt over Felix's head in my hybrid form, slamming into her and knocking the dagger from her grasp.

"You'll pay for what you've done witch!" I lunged at her distorted features, trying to clamp down on her throat and give vengeance for the damage she has done to my family. The rest of the boys and my father had been keeping the others at bay, the boys battling with the ones holding weapons while father deflect the magic being hurled our way by Rumpelstiltskin and the Evil Queen.

She slipped out of my grasp and darted off into the woods to hide like a coward. I turned to help defend camp from the intruders. I blew a dark green barrier of fire between us and them. The Evil Queen blew it out and stepped over the smoldering line. I summoned my swords and prepared for a fight. Henry ran out in front of both sides, shouting for us to stop.

"Henry they are with the Wolf Witch! They helped her attempt to kill Bae and Felix! They are our enemy and you want us to stop the inevitable?"

"Yes. They are my family!"

"And they are mine! Did you not see what they were trying to do to my family! Henry I thought you like it here."

"I do, but I miss my home as well. If I leave with my family now, it will stop all the fighting!"  I contemplated the consequences of this and found no drawback besides the fact that I'm going to miss Henry very much. I nodded and he smiled happily. He jogged over to me and hugged me as tight as he could.

"I will miss you Henry." I whisper into his thick brown hair.

"And I will miss you Beryl but this is for the best." I nodded again and he let go to join his family. I looked them all in the eyes, excluding Hook.

"You all better treat him well. I will know if you don't and if I find out that you are mean to him I will go to earth and you will regret it. Do you understand me?" They all nodded and disappeared into the thick trees. I turn and drop to my knees next to Petey, who was having a hard time heal Bae.

"How can I help?" He shook his head to say he didn't know.

"It was poisoned Ber. The poison was a mix of her own making. The only way to save Baelfire is to find Wendy and force her to create the antidote before it's too late. Otherwise, Baelfire will die."

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