Chapter 33

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Peter p.o.v

We just laid on the grass together, Ber and I, both wrapping our heads around my fate. Speaking it aloud seemed like carving it in stone, permanent and unchangable. She suddenly sat forward, face lightly tearstained and puffy.

"Well, we should be heading back, only the High Ones know what the Boys are thinking right now about us being gone." She stood and I quickly followed, twining our fingers as we walked to camp.

"So who do you think has Henry?" I wondered out loud. Ber shrugged.

"I'm not sure, Henry has only said it was a girl and she wanted his blood for something." I tried following his trail, but could only get to the shore before something blocked my way. Whoever it is has to be very strong.

"Have you tried tracking him?" She shook her head no, so i transported us to the last place I could get on his trail. She stepped forward and sniffed the air tenatively. After finding Henry on the breeze we walked cautiously into the woods. The further we went the darker and denser it became.

Reaching a small clearing with a rotten and knarled tree to mark Fairy territory, we stopped. This section of the island had died along with the last of the Fairies we hanged from Hangman's Tree. Now it was nothing but a wasteland, nothing I have tried has yeilded any change from the barren landscape.

"I don't think Henry is here, I've scoured every inch of this place." She ignored my comment and stepped slowly passed the tree, waiting for any form of retaliation. Ber motioned for me to follow and continued on, nose high in the air for signs of Henry or danger.

"He's here, just hidden from sight." We walked until we made it to a large, twisting tree in the center of the territory.

"That's the old Dust Tree, it's where the Fairies come to collect magical dust to use for spells and such." The dust had stopped flowing when the place died, and now only flowed with ashes from its core.

"He's in there." She pointed to the tree.

"Wait, he's in the tree?" Ber nodded and rubbed her temples in pain. "He's shouting isn't he?" She nodded again and drew back a clawed hand to slice her way to Henry. As she swung down I noticed that the tree was acting odd, the ashes had mixed with a deep red fluid that poured onto the ground and pooled together.

I jumped between her hand and the tree, unsure of what would happen if she cut it open. She stopped inches from my chest, anger and surprise written on her face. I didn't explain, only pointed to the pooling fluid and ashes.

It grew until it spanned nearly three feet in diameter. The liquid began to boil and something crawled out. It seemed neither human nor beast, moaning and crying loudly whilst clawing free from the crimson.

Once free, the creature stood tall and regal, like it owned the world. I placed myself between it and Ber protectively, not that she couldn't defend herself, just to make sure that it had to go through me first. The red drained slowly away. Unnatural red hair- the same color as the liquid- showed, followed by pale skin and dark clothes. The only thing that wasn't human were her eyes. Completely red with a bright blue iris and a slitted white pupil.

"You dare to enter my domain?" Her voice was amplified and accompanied by a deeper voice, like possession of a male spirit.

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but I own this island. So, technically it's me who should be asking why you are in my domain instead." She looked at me with malice, baring non-threatening, human teeth.

"I do not care if you owned the galaxy. This is my sanctuary and you have defiled it!" She hissed like a snake and bared her teeth again. Ber stepped around me and did the same, her teeth actually her Dragon fangs. Her tattered wings raised like hackles on a dog.

"Who are you and why are you here? And don't waste my time or lie, if you do either your new sanctuary will be my stomach." The girl smiled and deeply bowed, a opal on a gold chain dropping as she did.

"My name is Kenna Longmire. I am The Snatcher."
She's here!!!!!! I am SOOOO sorry i haven't updated in only the High Ones know how long!!! Please forgive me!!

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Stay crazy my little demons!

Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease

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