Chapter 10

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Beryl p.o.v

"Petey!" I ran at the giant of a man and jumped on him, forming claws and fangs. I bit down on his throat and formed wings. I flew up and dropped the man then followed him as he fell and laid still. I turn to the girl, my face covered in blood and snarling.

"Who do you think you are? You will pay for this!" She pulled out a bow and arrow, notched it, and aimed for my heart. I spread out my arms and smiled toothily.

"Do it, I dare you." She released the arrow. I watched it fly at me and right at the last possible second, grabbed the tip of the arrowhead. She stared in disbelief as I snapped the shaft of the arrow and dropped it on the ground. I walk backwards to Peter and knelt next to him.

"I want you to come to my camp as my prisoner." Was her answer as I felt for Peter's pulse, which was still going strong. I laugh a harsh, short laugh.

"Do you think you can keep me your 'prisoner'?" She looked daringly at me.

"If you don't I am going to come back and slit every one of their throats. Starting with him, seeing that you seem to like him so much." She pointed at the crumpled form of Peter who's head I was cradling. I snap my head up and give her my most threatening glare.

"If you even think of hurting anyone, I will personally slaughter your camp. I will kill each and every one of them slowly as they beg for mercy, then I will hunt you down like an animal and torture you. You will be begging at my feet for a quick death when I get done."

"Then you will come with me and my guards as my prisoner and we won't have a problem."

"If I go, you have to swear not to hurt them, any of them, ever."

"I swear."

"No. I'm going so your going to swear my way. First you need to cut your palm. Good, now kneel and draw a circle in the ground with your good hand. Now place your hand in the circle, the one with blood, idiot. Stand back." I blew black fire, tracing the circle. The flame died and the blood soaked into the ground, causing a ruby-encrusted bone to emerge from the ground. I pick it up and tie a piece of rope around it then tie it to my neck.

"What did that just do?" I smirk, causing her to pale in fear.

"It's a Blood Oath. If you so much as think of breaking your promise, the bone will vibrate and glow. If it does, well... I've already told you that part." She blanched, but quickly hid it with a mask of no emotion.

"Now say your goodbyes and let's go, the sun's going down in an hour."

"Awe is the little baby Indian scared of the dark?" I cooed sarcastically. She pulled out a dagger threateningly only to quickly put it back as I growled and hissed, tapping the bone.

I bend down and gently kissed Peter's forehead, then stood to say bye to everyone else. I first walk up to Baelfire, who was being held back by Felix from trying to kill the girl.

"Let me go Felix! I'm going to slit that little-" I stop him from talking by hugging him tightly. He sighed in defeat and sadness and hugged me back.

"Be good, Bae." He nodded slowly and I let him go then walk to Felix and hug him too.

"I should be back before dawn." I whispered and he nodded. I walk to the treeline and turn to wave at everyone else. I face the woods and follow the girl through the trees to her camp. We get into the camp and all the Indians stared at me with mixed expressions. Most were reproachful and the rest were full of fear.

I saw the girl walk up to a giant of a man and whisper to him in his ear. I felt a weird tingling sensation on my collarbone. I look down to see the bone vibrating and glowing brightly. I look at the girl and we make eye contact. She sees the bone and narrows her eyes. I see the giant walking my way toward the camp. his eyes are filled with fear as he lumbered this way.

I waited until he was directly behind me before I attacked. I shifted as I turned and pinned him to the ground. He cried out and tried to wiggle out from under my paw. I tightened my grip and faced the girl.

"Somebody can't keep their promises!" I sang angrily. She paled and ran at me, drawing her dagger on the way. I glared at the main warriors, daring them to try anything. The girl stopped next to my free paw and tried to stab my claws. I laughed evilly and pinned her too then roared loudly.


Peter p.o.v

Ouch! Dang my head hurts! That guys has a hard swing! I slowly sit up, my head pounding. Looking around I see the guy from earlier. I notice something red all over his face. After a while I realize it's blood. What happened? Where's Ber? I shakily stand up and walk over to the guy.

"Oh my god..." His throat was shredded! Blood covered his face, neck and chest. "Felix? What happened?" He looked at the ground, his face crestfallen.

"They took her, Peter. She said she should be here by dawn but I'm not so sure." I pace a few steps one way then the other furiously.

"How could I have let this happen! I should've seen this coming!" I stop pacing and stare at the direction of the Indian camp. I was about to say something when a roar broke the silence. It sounded like a roar of pain and anguish. I see Baelfire snap his head up and stare in the same direction the sound came from, brotherly protectiveness and pain in his eyes.

Don't worry Ber, I'm about to come get you. I'm going to slaughter every last Indian on this island and get you back. Even if it's the last thing I do.


Ohh!! Darn those Indians!! They ruined their moment!! And Baelfire's getting all brotherly and protective!!

QnA: Do you think she's going to get back? And who do you think the Indian girl is?Closest answers get a follow from me!!

Stay crazy my Demons!! Love you guys!! Thank you for all the reads!

Vote, comment..... all that good jazz!

Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease!!

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