Chapter 30

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Peter p.o.v

When I came back from my rounds of the island, the disturbance having been... dealt with, Ber was practicing with the Lost Boys again. She dominated them in their game called 'Dead' and then had to go with her father to Dragon Training. I'd never tell anyone this, but her father is very intimidating, even in his human form.

In his Dragon form he's confident and collected but as a human he's wary and wild, like being human is... well.... alien. Felix and Alecon get along well enough, the reason of why, I'm still deciphering. Every time his eyes fall on me in either form, he gets a look of both disgust and respect, this is a very complicated man!

Baelfire has completely healed but has to take things slow for a while until he is sound again. Riley is gone as usual, doing whatever Riley does. Everyone else is in the clearing either practicing or keeping watch for the other inhabitants of Neverland. I'm hoping Felix will keep them busy enough so that they don't notice my absence. Today is extremely special.

At around noon Ber returned. As soon as I felt her be released from training, I teleported to her and hid behind a tree to play a little game. I spoke in my best imitation of Hook as she walked under my branch.

"Hello dear, never thought I'd see you again after our little spat at Pan's camp. Still refusing to leave this horrid place?" I cringe while saying that Neverland was a horrid place, it's not horrid, just misunderstood. Like me. She tensed, her skeletal wings froze in mid-stretch, and then laughed.

"Hook. Never figured you to return to your death so quickly. Now come on out and fight me like a man." She has sass, and she made it look good. I move to another tree and spoke again.

"I think I'll fight from here, thank you dear."

"Well you're no fun. I wanted to see the life slip away as you died."

"Well I'm not one for fun or dying." I saw her lift her head slightly and breath deeply, trying to catch 'Hook's' sent so I moved downwind and spoke once more.

"But you can always join me on my ship. We could sail away to somewhere new and unexplored. I'll gather the crew right now if you'll only promise me one thing, love." Crap! Hook doesn't say 'love' to her, I do! He calls her 'dear'!

"And that would be?"

"Never return to the island again. For as long as you live." I'm hoping she'll say no, even if I'm messing with her mind for laughs.

"Let's think about this. Leave the island and board a ship full of stinking, sexually deprived men being then only female. Just drop everything and leave now, no explanations or anything. Leave people I care for dearly to live with an ugly pirate. I think not, Hook. I like it here and I don't plan on leaving any time soon." I quietly sigh in relief. She scanned the trees with a smirk on her beautiful face. I teleport behind her and follow as she turned.

"Hook come on out! Let's have a little fun!" She stopped and stood with her arms crossed over her chest in defiance and attitude. I stepped up to her back and snaked my arms around her abdomen. She tensed and growled angrily. I rubbed my nose into her neck softly and she growled deeper and I heard her forming claws to defend herself.

"Having fun yet, love?" I spoke in my normal voice this time. Her claws went away and she relaxed.

"Yes I am Petey. Were you Hook, Petey? Playing games are we?" I smirked and stood but kept my arms around her. She turned in to face me and smiled.

"Maybe a little." I absentmindedly ran my fingers through her hair. "I have something to show you. Tonight. At the waterfall." She nodded and we walked back to camp. Felix, Riley, Davy, and I went hunting and came back with a large deer. We all ate and Ber sang a song to please the others.

I look across the fire at Felix and nod slightly. He nodded back and I quietly lured Ber away to the waterfall. She called it a complicated name I can't pronounce but I called it Secret Falls. It's called that because only Ber and I know it even exists. We walk up the naturally made stairs of stone and sit on the cloth I laid on the dirt earlier today.

"What's so special about today Petey?" I smiled and wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me.

"When I first came here I went exploring and found this place. I was lost so I decided to spend the night here and find my way back in the morning. That night something amazing happened and it happens every year since. It's the reason I fell in love with the island. Most think its because of the powers here or all the things that can kill you but they're wrong. It's because of this..." I finished my explanation right in time because when I said this it began.

It was a meteor shower of extreme proportions. First it started as small streaks of light then grew in amount and frequency. The streaks changes colors, no two were the same color, like Ber's fire. We stared at the sky in awe. After about an hour the show slowed down and stopped with a massive meteor firing across the sky in a blur of every color imaginable.

"That was amazing! I've never seen a shower like that on Earth!" Exclaimed Ber in amazement. I smiled and looked over at her. She was smiling like a maniac. She looked at me, still smiling and a light flicked in her eyes.

"Well this isn't Earth now is it, dear Ber?" I smirked and glanced down at her lips then back up at her eyes. I glance down again at her lips, I just couldn't help it. She noticed and smirked mischievously. She ran her fingers through my hair softly, making me close my eyes slightly in pleasure. I slowly lean in and press my lips to hers softly. Nothing could compare to this exact moment, it was absolutely perfect.


This is my filler chapter while I think off what should happen next. If any of you have an idea of what should happen next, I would greatly appreciate it. The next chapter is probably another filler between Ber and Alecon.

Thanks for all the reads and comments!!

Stay crazy my little demons!

Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease!

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