Chapter 8

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When Davy told him about this 'she' person he got extremely angry. Davy let me go and nervously shifted on his feet.

"Petey who's this 'she' person Davy's talking about?" Peter looked at me, green eyes glittering with rage, grabbed my hand and dragged me into the tent we share. He let go and sat on the bed with his head in his hands. I slowly sat down next to him.

"Before you came to Neverland there was this witch that would take Boys and kill them then hang their mutilated bodies in Hangman's Tree. I confronted her and we fought. Before she died she told me that I would fail to save what I love most. At the time I had just brushed it off.

There were other girls here before you, three actually. They had all died within a month of coming by every other group of inhabitants except one. After the last girl died I told my shadow not to bring anymore here because I didn't want them to die. I was tired of the people I had come to love die." Peter finally lifted his head and looked at me with big, sad, bright green eyes. He looked like a dejected puppy.

"I'm not sure how to ask you but... how did the other girls die?"

"Sanya was drowned and eaten by Mermaids, Myra was hunted and killed by the Indians and... and Alice was raped and shot by Pirates. The only other group that hasn't killed a girl is the Fairies. They look pretty at first but once they lure you in they become ugly and kill you, lost a lot of Boys that way. They use pure magic that's why when the black thing attacked I couldn't heal you. You must have pure magic inside you because you healed yourself. When I couldn't heal you, I was, for the first time in my life, scared. I was scared you were going to die and I don't want you to die, Ber." I softly smiled and put my hands on his cheeks.

"Petey I'm not going to die, okay. I mean, come on, I can turn into a fire-breathing dragon! You know me, I'm not going to let an old hag and a bunch of ugly Fairies kill me! If they try to hurt me or you or any Lost Boy, I will hunt them down and make them suffer. I've killed plenty of witches, it's not hard."

"For this one it is. She's the strongest witch there is. She's almost as strong as me. She came here a long time ago, nearly 300 years to be exact." I immediately bristle with anger. So this is where she ran to. Peter noticed my anger and looked at me curiously.

"What's her name, Petey?"

"I don't think-"

"Her name?"

"Maleficent." I quickly stood up and paced the tent angrily.

"I knew it! That old hag thought she could hide from me by coming here! Now I've finally found her. I can stop her but how..." Peter jumped up and gently grabbed my waist.

"Ber why are you so anxious and angry?" He moved a hand to my arm, his thumb moving in soothing patterns.

"When I was a kid I was in my mother's village when Maleficent attacked. My mom hid me in the closet and a few minutes later she blew in the door. They fought while I watched through the keyhole. She killed my mother right in front of me. I came out when she left. My mom was long dead but I stayed by her body until my dad came. That day I vowed that the next time I saw her I'd kill her in vengeance of my mother. I had been in a town when she came. We fought and I injured her but she disappeared. And now she's in Neverland and threatening the people I love!" I could feel myself slowly turning into a dragon in my anger. Peter moved his hands to my cheeks and gently put his forehead on mine.

"Ber calm down. You won't fit in the tent, you might hurt yourself. Calm down." He repeated over and over softly. I nod and change back to myself. I look at Peter and smile mysteriously.

"Are you tired? I'm tired! Man, wild day!" Peter looked at me with playful suspicion then faked a yawn and stretched.

"Yeah I'm beat..."

"Call the bed!" We both shout and run. I hit the bed and rolled just as Peter landed on me. I wrapped my arms and legs around his torso so he'll have to lift me up to get on the bed. He stood up, with me still holding onto him, turned and fell on the bed. I pulled my arms and legs out from under him.

"I believe, love, I win." He said teasingly.

"No! I got here first! You cheated!"

"Nobody said it was a fair game." He quirked an eyebrow and smirked.

"Cheater, you are a cheater!"

"We could always share, love."

"You would like that." He wrapped an arm around my waist, flipped over, and straddled me.

"Maybe... you know you'd like it, too." He leaned down so we touched noses.

"That's for me to know and for you to wonder about." Peter pulled back a little and looked at me devilishly. "Oh no, what did you do?"

"Nothing, love,... yet." He said then he crashed his lips to mine. I moved my hands up and tangled my fingers in the silky soft hair on the nape of his neck. He flicked out his tongue and licked my bottom lip, wanting in. I clamped my mouth and chuckled. Peter pulled back but just barely.

"Somebody's not playing fair!" I raised my eyebrows and smirked. "I'll take that as a challenge!" He kissed me harder and gently swiped his tongue. I resisted and he tried again and again. After a few more tries he gave up, kissed me softly, and laid next to me.

"Looks like you lost this challenge, Petey." I rolled over and laid my head on his shoulder and almost instantly fell asleep.


Peter p.o.v

I watched Beryl as she slept on my shoulder and shifted in her sleep. She first formed claws and fangs, then transparent scales emerged like a second skin, horns replaced her beautiful brown hair. I cringed at the sound of skin tearing and leathery wings unfolded from behind her and stretched across the bed and over my chest. I nearly jumped out of the bed when her tail wrapped around my leg. I silently laughed and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight Ber... I, I love you." I nearly cried when I whispered those three words. Every time I told the others that, they died two weeks later.

She'll live. She has too. I've never loved anyone else as much as I love her.

She snuggled closer to me and gently whispered a name. It wasn't mine or any of the Lost Boys. It was her father's name, Alecon Black. My shadow said she had no family left, that her mother was killed by Maleficent and her father was killed in a raid by knights!

Shadow! We need to talk tomorrow! Meet me at Skull Rock! You have some explaining to do.


Snow Day!! So I might do a double update today! yay!!

I want to know if any of you guys have a question for me or want anything specific to happen in this story. If you have either or both leave a comment for me and I'll answer you!!

Stay crazy my Demons!! Love you guys!!

Love, Peace, and Chicken Grease!!

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