Chapter 32

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Ber p.o.v

After my talk with dad, I practiced with the Lost Boys. I plopped on the ground in tiredness and connected with Henry. He was scared and frantic, afraid of something or someone of which he won't detail. All he has told me so far is that it's a she and she's going to kill him.

"Henry. Please calm down and tell me everything."

"I was headed home. When we started to enter the portal someone jumped onboard and held a knife to my throat. She demanded that I go on the island with her and if anyone tried to stop her she was going to slit my throat. We jumped over the rail and into an old canoe. She hit me on the head and I woke up in a cave. Help me please!"

"It'll be okay, promise. I'll tell Petey and he'll find you then I will come rescue you and send you home. Sound good?" He agreed and I searched for Petey, who was fervently whispering to Felix by the trees. I silently walk up and catch the last sentence of their conversation.

"We have to find him, they're getting worse." What's getting worse? Why hasn't he told me? I clear my throat and they jump at my voice.

"I connected with someone on the island who shouldn't be."

"Who?" Asked Petey. He seemed weaker, I mean we both are after the fight with Maleficent then when he tried to keep out dad, but this was different. He had small bags under his eyes, his hair was unruly and dull, his eyes are less lively and the excitement that always resided there was dim.

"Henry." Felix tensed but said nothing. He shuffled away quietly, avoiding eye contact because he knew if he looked me in the eyes he wouldn't be able to keep his secret long. I look Petey in the eyes, imploring and pleading for him to tell me the truth. He said nothing but stared at me intently.

"Do you know where he is? Who or what took him?"

"All he told me was that it was a she and no I don't know where he is." He nodded and gazed into the distance. "Petey are you okay?" He nodded again.

"Yeah, fine." He smiled lightly and gently kissed my forehead. I nod and he walked away in a light daze. He saunters up to Felix and he nodded before quickly walking into the woods. I follow him from the other side, go all the way around, and follow his scent through the trunks. Why is he lying to me again? The first time was for my safety, but this one was about HIS health. I found him and my heart clenched in sorrow and shock.

He was crouching on the dirt, head between his knees, hands pulling on his thick hair, shoulders shuddered with each breath, and I can hear his breathing as it whistles through his teeth he had clenched in pain. I run to him and kneel next to his left side. He opened his eyes, glazed with agony, and looked over at me.

"Are you okay Petey?"

"I'm fine, Ber, I promise." He cringes and gripped his head harder.

"No, no your not okay. And don't you dare say different. Tell me what's wrong with you Petey. Don't lie because I know when you do." Petey sighed and laid down on his back. I laid beside him and held one of his hands gently, waiting patiently for him to explain.

"The whole reason I brought Henry here is so that he can save Neverland. Save me. My heart is failing, quicker now that he had left, well I thought he left. I'm dying, Ber. And when I die, Neverland and everyone on it will die as well. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to worry yourself to death." I wiped away my tears and shifted my head from the dirt to his chest. his heart went thump thump tha thump unevenly and I couldn't stop the tears from returning full force.

"No, Ber, please don't cry. Please don't." I could feel his chest flutter as he, too, cried. I rolled to face him through bleary eyes full of tears. He tilted his head down and glances back at me. Impulsively, I lean forward and gently kissed his lips. He pressed back just as softly and cupped my cheek. This wasn't a kiss of happiness, but a kiss of sadness. One that was full of salty tears. This was it, he was dying and I can't stop it. My Soulmate was leaving me. 

"I refuse to let you die, Petey. I will find a way to save you, I swear it. I will not let you die on me." He smirked his usual, mischevious, cocky, sexy smirk and presses his lips to mine once more. Despite the sad feeling in my heart, the kiss was perfect.

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