Chapter 15

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Beryl p.o.v

We talked almost everything under the sun while we were in Peter's Secret Place, which I've taken to calling Lieu Des Anges.

"So do you have a special language just for Dragons?" He asked past the piece of apple in his mouth.

"Kinda. We take multiple languages and mix them together. Mostly French, English, Dutch, Spanish, and Portuguese."

"How would you say your name in their language?"

"Pedra De Beleza, which is roughly translated to Stone of Beauty in English." He seemed to be in deep thought for a while.

"How would you say my name?" I had to think of that for a little bit, the Dragon naming process is based on who you are inside, not personality necessarily, more like your inner self.

"Who are you Peter? Deepest self, not the all-powerful leader or anything like that, who are you?" He thought for almost 30 minutes before he answered.

"I'm not sure actually. Why is that important?"

"A Dragon doesn't get a true name until they know without a shadow of a doubt who they are inside. They'll get a Humanly name when their born, just in case of an emergency and they need a 'fake' name. So when you figure out who you are, you'll get a Dragon name." He nodded in understanding. "Until then you are just Petey and/or Peter Pan." By now the sun had started to go down and everyone seemed scared of the dark on this island.

"I think we should go the sun is almost down." Petey stood and brushed crumbs off his pants before helping me up.

"Scared of the dark?" 

"No, just what can be in the dark."

"Such as?"

"Monsters like the one you fought, dark spirits, the Fairies seem to like the dark, and on special occasions the Mermaids are able to grow legs and roam for the night, that happens on a Blood Moon every hundred years or so." He looked at the sky again in a nervous kind of way. We made it to the edge of camp when I remembered that I left something in the cave I had been staying in.

"I left something in the cave, I'll be right back." And flew away before he could say anything. I landed on the cold stone and felt something was off. I stayed in my Dragon form and walked into the main part of the cave. I notice a slight glow in the back of the cavern. I step closer and realize it's the skull I had when I forced the chief into a Blood Oath. It was softly glowing and vibrating, then the glowing brightened and the vibrating increased. The skull turned white hot and practically jumped around.

Oh no. 

I grabbed the skull and flew out as fast as possible. I was a few feet away when I saw them. The Indian Warriors. I flew silently behind them as they surrounded the Lost Boys camp, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike them before they struck us. I saw my opening and took advantage of it. I roared loudly and blasted lavender colored fire into a large clump of the Warriors. I landed in the large clearing, standing protectively over all the Boys and growling into the forest. 

"Chief I know your out there! Show yourself! You broke your Oath!" The chief walked out of the woods, dressed in his usual getup.

"I know but it's for a good reason. The Mermaids told us that you attacked one of theirs, two actually, and we are their Protectors and they didn't understand that I had made an Oath."

"Yes, I attacked two Mermaids, and for good reason. One threatened me and the other... well, that one attacked a friend of mine, two actually. Now tell them that if they have a problem with me, they can come to ME." And with that I blew out sky blue fire toward the chief and roared again. He nodded solemnly and slowly walked away, taking his Warriors with him. I changed back, but the ominous feeling that something was wrong never went away.

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