TFWxReader: Grocery Shopping

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You begin your day with Sam, Dean, and Cass!

Sam seemed to be in a pretty good mood.
Dean appeared to be...well, Dean!
Cass was basically his usual self, confused and staring at everything new he saw.

You entered the store, grabbing a cart and then walking with your head up, smiling.

The boys always made you push the cart.
They basically thought it was too womanly to push a cart.

Dean was staring at a woman with a short red dress, he had a smirk on his face.

"Really Dean? Can't you go one day without eye raping someone? Geez!"

Dean glared at you.
"Well excuse me."

You chuckled at his response and then went down the cookie isle.

Cass grabbed a box of cookies and looked confusingly at them.

"I believe these small things are comfort for some depressed beings.."

"Damn right Cass! Now give me that!"
You basically snatched the box of cookies and ripped open the box, taking one.

Then you dropped it to the bottom of the cart.

What? Who cares? You were going to pay for them.

Sam chuckled at you.
"I hope you're going to pay for those, and not stash the box behind some random condiment in this isle."

Basically, you raised your eyebrow at Sam.
"I'd never do such a thing!"

You giggled and kept on walking.
Sam was walking close to you, while Cass and Dean were far behind.

Cass was behind you observing a ketchup bottle, while Dean was flirting with the the woman in the short red dress.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me!"
You stomped over to Dean and wrapped your arm in his.

"Oh honey! Hurry, the kids are waiting!"
You said in a serious tone and looked up into Dean's eyes.

Dean immediately frowned at you.
The woman in the red dress furrowed her eyebrows.
"You're pathetic!"
And smacked him.

Your mouth gaped open as you witnessed a Winchester being bitch slapped.

"(Y/N)! Really? Just wait till you flirt with someone next time, sweetheart!"
Dean smirked and winked at you.

Your eyes basically rolled to the top of your skull as you walked back to Sam, who was laughing hysterically as he saw Dean getting slapped as well.

Castiel was still holding the ketchup bottle.
"If it's okay, (Y/N), I'd like to purchase this!"

"And do what with it Castiel?"
You questioned and raised and eyebrow.

Of course Cass gave you some sort of weird explanation so you just went along with it and went ahead to the checkout with just a bag of cookies, and ketchup in your cart.

"Well, I guess we just came for a ketchup and cookie run, you guys!"

Hey guys! This is my first chapter of my new book "Supernatural Imagines"
I hope you liked it. It was quite fun to write (at 3 am)! Well requests are open I guess. And yes, I still will be writing in my Sam Imagines book as well.
I just thought I'd change it up a bit, you know? Thanks for reading

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