My everything💞

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Farkle : I decided to skip out on Texas so I could figure out the whole "I have a son now thing". Plus Riley and Maya are kind of mad at me right now because they think I'm being a what you would call and ass. But I think Isadora is the actual ass, i mean who just doesn't tell someone they have a son. I haven't told Gracie about the whole situation yet because we both agreed that we didn't want any or at least not right now. The truth is I just didn't see Gracie and I having kids. I was in my apartment with my lawyer going over the case with my lawyer and I had a 99.87 percent chance of winning the case almost automatically. I was about to sign the paper but then I started thinking did I really want full custody of my son or did I just want to hurt her like she hurt me? Did I really want to take a mother away from her child? Would I even be a good father? Was I ready to be a good father? I was snapped out of my thoughts by my lawyer as he put a pen in my hand. I put the pen down on the table and got up getting my coat. I heard my lawyer call my name and I said "would you mind if we reschedule" my lawyer stood up and said "your the boss". I nodded and held the door for him as he left as I followed behind. I got in my car and I walked to the bar and grabbed a drink. After one drink I found myself looking for Smakle's number. After a while I found it under my contacts and I realized I never changed her contact name, "my everything". I sighed when I saw it and changed it to "my son's mother" Then I pressed call. After two rings she answered and she started to say something but I cut her off and said "where do you live?".

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