Be okay?

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Lucas: "dad?" Reece called still not looking up at his father as he poked at the hospital cafeteria food. "Hmm?" Was the response he got from me his "father" who did the same thing with his own food. The mood had been like that since Lucas had taken Reece away from his sister side to eat. "Is Liv going to be okay?" And it was at that moment that they both raised their heads and met each other's eyes. Both pairs of eyes matched with the same shade of desperation but in Reece's you could still see the hope and it was that hope that made me want to die because I couldn't tell my son I didn't know if his sister, his best friend and my daughter would actually be okay. I couldn't tell him that it was all my fault either. Fortunately before I could respond Reece's mood instantly lit up as he pointed and said "look dad it uncle Farkle"and started running over to him. I sighed in relief that Farkle was actually okay and for the fact that I didn't have to break my son's heart. Soon Farkle, Smakle, Finn and Reece were all stirring before me. "Glad your okay" Farkle said with a half smile sitting down at the table. "You too Farkle" I answered trying to ignore the tension between he and Smakle. After a long awkward silence Smakle decided it'd be best if she took the boys out to play leaving only Farkle and I.
"Im hurting and I got jumped" Farkle spoke nonchalantly and as on cue Lucas was on full protective mode and stated asking the infamous 5 w's. Farkle gave Lucas a small chuckle and said "that's not why I'm hurt though". Lucas examined his best friend carefully who refused to look at him and only looked out of the glass window to see Smakle and the kids. "Is it about Smakle again?" Farkle only nodded knowing that denying it is more stupid than him still loving her. "What happened?" Lucas asked to which Farkle only responded with a "I'll tell you after you go talk to Riley". Lucas looked at Farkle surprisingly and the only thing he could get out was "huh?"
Farkle just shrugged it off and said "Riley said she wants to talk to you".

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