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"I call her the devil cause she makes me wanna sin and every time she knocks, I can't help but let her in."

The next three weeks have been the same for Jho and Bea. After a stressful day at work, they would meet each other at Bea's place and do their business. This week, however, Jho hasn't messaged Bea like she always did and Bea couldn't help but panic. The week has almost come to an end but still no signs of Jho.

Bea tried to approach her a couple of times when she was eating lunch with Jamie and other people but she restrained herself since Jho emphasized that she doesn't want the others, especially their co-workers to discover that they know each other outside work.

Bea's train of thoughts was disrupted by the unexpected entrance of Deanna.

"Miss Bea, your father has requested that you meet him in ten minutes," Deanna said softly.

Bea didn't exactly know what to expect when she arrived at her father's office.

Was she not productive this week? Has she missed any important meeting? She thought in succession.

"Sir..." Bea's voice trailed.

"Please sit Beatriz." Her dad's voice was dull as usual. Bea felt relieved because she expected another scolding.

Bea slowly made her way to one of her father's comfortable seats and sat with her back straight. Her father hates it whenever he sees Bea slouching so when he's around, Bea is always conscious about her posture.

Bea could remember how stern her father was when she and her Kuya Loel were younger, how they shivered at the slightest look their father gave when they would eat together or even the mere sound of his breath caused them fear.

At first, they couldn't understand why their father was the way he was but as years went by they learned that it was just his way of showing them his love and he wanted his children to act appropriately. Soon after their teenage years, he began to loosen up knowing that his job of raising fine and responsible children is done.

Bea thought it was over - all the controlling and meddling with their lives - but she was wrong. She was not permitted to go the college she wanted to apply for. It shattered her dreams that she began to be rebellious and reckless - a trait her parents, especially Bea's father, was completely furious about. Bea was uncontrollable at that point in her life. She discovered a lot of things about herself as she ventured the outside world without fear, without anybody dictating her every action. Without her father.

After being invited to one of the parties in the university, Bea has set her reputation to both Ateneans and students from other schools. She was the star of the night when she carried herself with utmost confidence - her self-esteem booming out of the roof.

That party turned her world upside down. It changed Bea completely into something that her parents did not expect her to be. It angered her father and got her ever loving mother worried. All her crazy stunts were often reported to her father and when Bea would return to their house on the weekend, they would argue to the point of screaming at each other.

Although she didn't like anything about her course, Bea aced all of her subjects. Oh, she was that smart and even clever that she would use her connections to finish other things for her because she needed to be at someone's party. Who would turn down? No one.

The heavy load that was on Bea's shoulders were lifted after that weekend she spent with her family. She felt genuine bliss whenever the thought of them crosses her mind.

"Are you listening?" Her father's voice jolted Bea from her thoughts.

"Sorry Sir I wasn't paying attention. Deadlines are lining up." Bea said as she lowers her head.

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