Chapter 19

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*Brilynne's Point of View*

As soon as everyone was asleep Brilynne crawled out of her bed and put on her clothes. She grabbed her piggy bank and her backpack and quietly snuck out of the house through her bedroom window. She had called Sophie earlier and convinced her to help her run away and find her mom. 

She had looked up where the Cosmopolitan building was in New York and wrote it down. 

300 W 57th St # 38

New York, NY

Now all she had to do was get to the bus station tomorrow morning and lucky for her she knew how to ride the public bus. She slept at Sophie's house for the night and in the morning she was on her way.


*Mark's Point of View*

Mark woke up sort of in a fog. He felt as though he had a hangover, his head hurt and as soon as he remembered all that happened last night he felt even worse. He hoped Brilynne wasn't as mad at him as she was last night, now that she had time to process the things he told her last night. 

She normally woke him up so he figured she was still mad at him. He got up from bed and walked out of his room and knocked on Brilynne's door

"Princess, I know you might still be mad at me but do you mind if I come in?"

He waited a few seconds before speaking again.

"Please baby. I know you're mad and you can still me mad at me but I wanna take you to Friendly's for breakfast for smiley face pancakes." he said trying to bribe her because those were her favorite. He was sure that would send her out of her room running into his arms, but it didn't. 

After waiting a few more minutes he grew worried

"That's it young lady! I'm coming in!" he said turning the knob on the door and walking in to an empty room. Brilynne was nowhere to be seen. He looked around the room for any sign of her and with that he noticed her bedroom window was wide open, her piggy bank was gone, and there was a letter on the bed

He started to get sad when he picked up the letter and read the contents of it that was written entirely in pink crayon

I ran away because I don't wanna live with a liar anymore. Do yourself a favor and forget about me because I never wanna see you again. You're mean.

To Uncle Greg and Uncle Chris and Uncle Luke I'm sorry because I was really starting to like yous but daddy messed it up. Maybe I'll see you guys again someday when I'm grown up and I'm not so mad anymore. I love you guys.

Daddy not so much. It hurts my heart to know that you lied to me when you promised me that you would never. I hope you understand.

Love Brilynne

Mark went into panic mode and pulled out his phone right away and called Ronnie's mom and asking if she had seen Brilynne, but that search turned up nothing. He after called Sophie's mom and asked if she had seen Brilynne but she too said no and that's when he resorted to calling 911

Dispatcher: 911 Dispatch, what is your emergency?

Mark: My daughter has run away.

Dispatcher: When was the last time you saw her?

Mark: Last night before we went to bed around 7pm

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