1. It's been too long

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Santana and Rachel started walking towards McKinley after meeting Kurt outside the school. 

"Wow, seeing this school truly brings back many memories.." Rachel said when they stepped in.

"It really does" Santana said and looked around. 

The lockers, the benches here and there, coach Sue, or more like principal Sue now and last but not least the choir room.

"Where is everyone? I thought we were going to meet here at 2pm. It's 2:15 now" Kurt said.

"I heard Brittany's going to be here, Santana" Kurt said again and looked at her with crazy eyes and wide lips.

"Really? I didn't know, I don't care either" Santana answered and looked away.

She lied. Both Rachel and Kurt knew it but they didn't say anything, they knew how stubborn Santana could be. 

Around 2:30 everyone started showing up. Mr. Scheuster, Sam, Mercedes, Mike, Tina, Blaine and Artie were the ones she saw right now. The other ones would probably be here soon. 

"Let's go in guys" Mr. Schue said and pointed in to the choir room with the biggest smile on his lips.

"Oh how i've missed you all. The school is not the same without you. And I also went through a lot to get Sue to open the school up on a Saturday" 

As much as Santana liked to be here with her old friends again she couldn't resist, they were grown ups now. Shouldn't they be doing something else than sitting in a old choir room?

"Will, can I say something?" 

Everyone looked up at Santana, most of them because she said Will and not Mr. Scheuster, which was still pretty unusal even though they were older now.

"Sure" he said with a shy smile.

"As much as I like being here and appreciate the fact that you got Sue to open the school up for us on a Saturday, I feel like doing something else. Something mature. Can't we go out somewhere? To a fancy restaurant or something? I haven't worked my ass off in that stupid diner to spend no money at all on my vacation" 

He looked at Santana and then at the rest of the guys too. 

"Well.." he said and cleared his throat "I can't deny it, I've missed your tiny mean ways of being honest. But  of course. Is that what everyone else wants too?"

Everyone agreed and they stood up, getting ready to leave. 

"You're not leaving without me, are you?" 

Everyone turned around and Brittany stood there, in blue jeans, a white shirt and her blonde hair tied up in a pony tail. At first everyone was shocked to see her but around 15 seconds later they all went to say hi and give her hugs. No one had seen Brittany in a really long time and everyone missed her.

All of them stood and talked to her, all of them but Santana. She stood behind the piano staring down at her shoes, hoping no one would call her name and make her go there. 

"All right everyone, let's get going. Let's make this the best reunion ever" 

They all got into their cars, some of them were in the same car and other took a cab. 

"Too bad Quinn and Puck didn't make it, I really missed them too" Mr. Schue said when they all sat together around a big table in one of the fanciest restaurants in Lima. And no, this was not breadstix. 

"Ah, it's okay. We'll have fun without them" Sam said and laughed.

Santana sat between Rachel and Kurt, turning her head around from time to time to look at Brittany who sat across the table next to Tina and Mercedes. 

Brittany hadn't said a word to Santana during the whole day, in fact, she didn't even look at her. It was like Santana wasn't present, like she was invisible. 

"I saw you stand there by the piano when Brit came in" Kurt whispered into her ear "You should've said hi" 

"Stop nagging me, lady hummels" 

"Fine. Suit yourself" he said and looked over at his left talking to Blaine instead. 

"Well guys, I have to say this has been a great day and a wonderful night. I don't know about you kids but i'm heading home after this. Whatever you do, be safe! Promise to visit us again before those of you who don't live here anymore leave?"

Everyone paid for what they had and got dressed, hugged Mr. Schue and went away. 

"So what now?" Rachel said looking at Kurt, Blaine and Santana.

"It's only 7pm. I'm not going home" Santana added "Let's do something. Wasn't there like a gay club or something called Scandal here somewhere? We should go, I'd really like to visit Kurts family" 

"Shut up Santana" 

They just laughed and agreed to go, Scandals it is. Blaine took his phone out and called for two cabs. 

"They'll be here in 10 minutes" he said and put the phone in his pocket. 

Santana and Rachel sat on one of the benches outside the restaurant and Blaine and Kurt stood on the same spot as before having eye sex. It was pretty obvious. 

"Knock knock" someone said knocking on Santana's back.

Santana turned around and her heart skipped a beat. Brittany.  

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