7. The garden

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After Santana told Brittany everything they both decided to never talk about it again because it happened on both of thems worst period in their life. 

"Are we going back home now?" Brittany asked after they sat on a bench for almost an hour, discussing.

"No, now that the boring part is over, I want us to have fun" Santana said and stood up, offering her hands to Brittany. 

Brittany took Santana's hands and they kissed quickly on the lips. Santana took the lead and walked, always looking back, making sure Brittany is right behind her, and she was. She reached her hand for Brittany to hold and when she did Santana felt butterflies spreading all over her stomach. They never seem to go away. Everytime they hold hands, kiss or look into each others eyes, it still feels like the first time. 

"Where are you taking me?" Brittany asked with a big smile on her lips.

"We're almost there. But you have to be careful now, sneak in right behind me"

They walked over a little bridge, went through a mini forest and Santana opened a little fence up and walked into their destination. A garden, a big beautiful garden with all kinds of flowers, a little pond and perfectly trimmed green grass. 

"Oh my god.." Brittany said "This place is amazing"

"Just like you" Santana said and sat down on the grass "We're actually not allowed to come here, it's private property, not that I care, but it is" 

"Won't we get into trouble if someone see's us?" 

"If we're careful, the owner won't"

Brittany sat down in front of Santana. She took Santana's hand and kissed it, she kissed all the way up to her arm and from her arm up to Santana's neck.

"Brit.." Santana said and giggled.

"I know you like it" Brittany whispered into her ear.

Santana didn't even bother arguing, she did like it. After sucking on her neck for a while, probably also giving Santana a hickey, she laid down on the grass. She looked and Santana with a serious face and started patting the empty space on her left side. 

"Lay down with me" she said.

Santana looked at Brittany, putting her hair behind her ear and laid down.

Brittany's hands wandered almost everywhere on Santana's body. From her thighs to her hips, from her hips to her stomach and at last she held her hand. They didn't say much, they just laid on the warm grass looking up at the sky.

"Isn't it weird that the whole world lives under the same sky, it's like the earth is a big house and the sky is our roof" Brittany said.

"It is like that, you're a genius" Santana said with laugh in her voice.

Brittany looked at Santana, smiled, and sat down on top of her, looking down on her perfectly shaped face, at least she thought it was. She raised her hand and started softly touching Santana's face with her fingertips, first her cheeks, then her nose and down to her lips. She kept her fingers there for a while, feeling Santana's soft lips, adoring her face. The only noises you could hear in this very isolated place was the sound of birds twittering and deep breaths being taken. 

"I love it when you do that" Santana said quietly 

"Do you love it when I do this?" Brittany asked and leaned her head down so she could kiss on Santana's lips. 

Santana's breath was taken, she saw fireworks and heard nothing but the sound of Brittany's kiss.

Brittany got very into the kiss and started kissing lower down on Santana's body everytime she took a breath. 

"Brittany!" Santana screamed "Oh my god, not here"

"Come on, San. You always said you wanted to do it in a weird place. This is a kinda weird place to do this on" Brittany said and looked up on Santana from where her head was right now. Right between Santana's legs. 

"No, no. THIS is not weird, this is risky" Santana said, not even changing her postition, it was like she wanted Brittany to unbutton her pants and get started. 

"What's the worst thing that could happen?" Brittany asked, smirking up at Santana with the most seducing look in her eyes.

"Well, the old lady who lives here could see two lesbians having sex in her precious garden and get a heart attack" Santana said and this time she sat down properly.

"Oh, I wouldn't want to kill an old lady" Brittany said and laughed "Fine then" she said and sat down next to Santana.

"Let's leave" Santana said and stood up.

Her and Brittany sneaked out of the garden. They walked home instead of taking a cab, it wasn't that far away from where they lived.

"I'm not finished with you" Brittany whispered into Santana's ear, gently stroking her arm before she unlocked the door to the apartment.

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