4. The start of something old-new

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Brittany knocked on the Hummel's residence. After 3 soft knocks Burt opened up.

"Hi, can I help you?" he said when he opened the door and saw Brittany standing there. He clearly didn't recognize her.

"It's me Brittany, I was in the Glee club with your son back in high school, remember? I'm here for Santana" Brittany said and gave a smile that could light up a whole room.

"Oh, right, right. Come in, she's upstairs in Kurt's room"

Brittany took slow steps toward Kurt's room, peeking in and seeing Santana sitting on his bed, nervously chewing on her nails.

"You know that's not good, chewing on your nails. I remember you told me that when I used to do it"

Santana looked up and saw Brittany standing there. She didn't have her hair in a pony tail this time. She was wearing light blue jeans, almost as blue as her eyes, a black, plain, pretty tight shirt and normal white sneakers.

"Hi, Brit"

Brittany sat down next to Santana, but not too close. They were both on each edge of the bed. Santana couldn't help but noticing the way Brittany chose to sit so far away from her. She shook the thought of it away and waited for Brittany to come up with a good explaination to why she did that to Santana.

"I was just not ready"

"Not ready? Jeez, Brit. It's not like I was going to ask you to marry me or anything"

They both burst into laughing but stopped the moment they realized why Brittany was here.

"You said you wanted to tell me something important on the phone. What was so important that couldn't wait until tomorrow?"

This time Brittany jumped a little bit closer to Santana, yet not face to face close.

"Umm, okay.. wow. This is kinda hard for me to say"

"What is it Brit? Come on, it's just me"

Brittany took a deep breath and looked at Santana, with a serious face. Her eyes got watery.

"Look, Santana, first of all, I'm really sorry for not showing up earlier today. I came to to the coffee shop, I was about to go in and then I saw you sitting there, waiting. I really wanted to come in and just sit and talk with you" Brittany said and put her thumb under her eye to prevent the tears from falling but it only made it worse. After she collected herself again she let out a tiny little laugh and continued "Truth is, I didn't want to walk in because the moment I saw you in the choir room, by the piano, I did see you... All those feelings came running back and I didn't know how to handle it all. I knew you already had a new girlfriend and I didn't want to ruin it between you two by trying to get you back"

Santana was both happy and sad right now. Happy, because she knew Brittany would come back to her own self, to her Brittany. Sad, because this was obviously hard for Brittany to say, and she didn't like to see her like this. She looked at Brittany and waited for her to keep going.

"When you told me you had broken up, you know, in Scandals? I got really happy. I know I sound selfish but I got so happy. I thought after all this time we could end up together, just like it's supposed to be"

Brittany didn't continue. She stopped there. She wiped her tears of her cheeks with her sleeves and looked up at Santana, admiring her brown, almost black, shiny eyes.

"I remembered, that you were the one who broke up... That you were the one who let go, I tried to comfort myself with Sam, it didn't work, nothing worked. I was so devastated. You broke my heart, Santana, you left me behind and it killed me. That's why I sent you a message saying I can't, I couldn't get into this again"

Santana looked at Brittany with the saddest eyes. She jumped in a bit closer and took her hand.

"Brit, you know how I feel about you. Honestly, I came back here because I heard you were coming back too, I wouldn't be in this hell-hole if you weren't coming. I know I hurt you, even worse, I hurt myself by leaving you. I know you can't fully trust me now, and I understand that. I just need to know if you ever will, again?"

Brittany squeezed Santana's hand and looked at her.

"I trust you" she said looking at her "I always knew in my heart you would come back"

"Me too" Santana whispered.

For the rest couple of minutes nothing was said, Santana hadn't let go of Brittany's hand yet either, they sat there looking at each other. All Brittany could think about was how she loved the way Santana's hair was shining, even in Kurt's dark, candle light room, how Santana's eyes got darker the longer she stared into them and how everytime Brittany smiled at her, she blushed. For Santana, it was the exact same, she observed Brittany's face, looking at her lips, then up at her eyes, then her nose and back at her lips again. Before Santana could do the one thing she was thinking about doing right now, kissing Brittany. Kurt comes in.

"Oops, I'll leave. Sorry" he says.

Santana couldn't be any angrier at Kurt for coming to the room just this moment, when everything started going the way she wanted it to go.

"No it's okay, I have to go now anyways" Brittany said and let go of Santana's hand.

She started walking downstairs and Santana followed.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow" Brittany said and left with a big smile and rosy cheeks.

Rachel sat by the laptop at her place and looked for plane tickets back to New York, complaining about how expensive they are.

"I can't stay for more than 2 more days, i'm missing too much of school right now, I haven't had any vocal practice in a week. How am I supposed to have my own broadway show if I don't practice? You know, Barbara never took breaks" Rachel said without even pausing between her sentences.

"We get it. Stop your gibberish, for gods sake I think my brain is bleeding"

Rachel just gave Santana the evil eye. Santana rolled her eyes and kept eating her breakfast.

"There's a flight on Wednesday morning. I'm booking three seats right now. You're all coming right?" Rachel said, pointing her sentence to Santana.

"Yeah we're both coming. I need to get back too. I have like 6 mails from our boss at the diner, you filled in the vacation papers Rachel, I just took my vacation without him knowing"

"Oh my god, Santana. Do you want to get fired?"

"Oh please, like he would fire me. I'm the reason that basement looking wannabe restaurant even has customers"

Rachel didn't argue with Santana, she just kept staring at her laptop.

"Done. We fly at 9 in the morning on Wednesday"

"Awesome" Kurt said, chewing on a all bran sandwich filled with nothing but tomatoes and cheese.

Now Santana was concerned about two things, Brittany's reaction to her leaving so soon and how she was going to tell her.

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