14. Lost

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Santana's POV

I could start hearing voices and feel my eyes slowly opening. I had no idea where I was right now, I was lost, I felt ill and I was confused. I didn't make a move yet, I kept listening to the voices in the background.. I couldn't hear a lot but it was a woman's voice and another one but I couldn't quite figure out if it was a man or a woman.

''Oh no no no, not there you stupid idiot!'' I heard the woman yell. And just by that I knew, it was Dani.

I started to move now, I slowly stood up and got dizzy immediately. This place, it looked like a basement. It was dark, there were absolutely no windows, the only light it had came from the reading lamp on the left corner of a small table. I took some steps forward, the headache only got worse. I was so thirsty. I looked around the rest of the room, there was no bed, no kitchen, nothing a home should have so this was no one's apartment. But, there was a chair in the middle of the room and a nasty couch pushed to the wall at the other end of the room.

"Well well, look who's up" Dani said and walked up to me.

"Where am I?" I asked calmly, I couldn't freak out yet.. I was still dizzy, I couldn't even see Dani properly.

"This is your new home" she said and laughed so loud my head felt like it was going to explode.

"I'm thirsty" I said without even looking up at her.

I leaned against the wall and held my head with my hands.

"Ha, you always have been. Haven't you?" Dani answered and handed me over a glass of water and a pill "The pill is for the awful headache you must be having, you got hit pretty hard on that gorgeous little head of yours"

I wasn't sure I even should take a pill from a lying, manipulative bitch like Dani. But I did. And it helped.
As soon as I felt better, which was around 5 minutes after I took the pill and drank the glass empty. I started freaking out. Without even noticing it myself.

"Where the fuck am I, Dani?!" I said and walked up to her so I stood right in front of her face "Where's Brittany?" I whispered this time "Where is she?" I repeated.

"Probably out somewhere, looking for her precious Santana.. How sweet" Dani said and took a step closer to me "You can't scare me, we're at my territory now. I own you" She said and put both her hands on my cheeks and pressed her lips against mine.

I pushed her away and slapped her face with all the strength in my body "What the fuck! Don't touch me!" I ran back to the wall and she just stood there, smiling like she just saw an angel, or in her case a little devil "You don't own me. Let me out of here! Now!" I said and this time I fought very hard to keep my voice straight.

"Oh but you see, I do. No one can find you, nobody cares about you. Only Brittany, and she's probably to stupid to find you anyways. Isn't she.. A bit stupid?" She walked up to me again, face to face "Admit it, Santana. Isn't she?"

"No. She's the smartest person I've ever met, she's a genius. The only stupid thing is me, for ever being together with a fucked up bitch like you" I whispered calmly and waited for her respond. She took her time with that.

She didn't even answer, she dragged me by the arm and sat me on the chair that was right in the middle of the room, around 7 meters from a door.

"Let's get started. Philip, get out here and start filming!" she shouted

A guy in his 20's came out of a corner with a little digital camera in his hands. He had brown, very curly hair, brown eyes, bushy eyebrows and big scar under his lips.

"Now..?" He said with a light voice. No wonder I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman.

"Now." Dani commanded

I heard the noise from the camera, it had started filming. I tried to stand up but Dani slapped my face. Not only once but twice, first on my left cheek and the second time she hit me by the ears.

"Sit the fuck down, sweetcheeks. We're just getting started" she said and smirked.

She opened the big blue bag she had with her and took out handcuffs. She took my hands and brought them together, first, she handcuffed them. After that she took out a white, thick rope and tied my handcuffed hands around the chair. She wanted to make sure I wouldn't be able to get off, I guess.

"What are you doing to me?" I said with a sore voice.

She didn't answer, the guy who was filming moved now so the camera filmed the whole scene, not only my face.
Dani took out a cigarette and started smoking, blowing the smoke right on my face.

"Brittany's gonna love this one" she said and took one last puff off the cigarette.

She now sat on her knees and looked at me with serious eyes, she took the cigarette and pressed it on my bare arm.

I couldn't help but screaming, it hurt so much.

"Please stop" I said, trying my best not to cry.

"Oh honey, you know I can't stop when I've started something.." she said and asked Philip to come closer with the with the camera "say hello to Brittany" she said and pressed the cigarette right on my cheek this time. I tried to prevent myself from screaming but I couldn't, the cigarette burned me and something about her mentioning Brittany made me cry this time.

"Please, stop it" I sobbed.

Before she stood up and asked Philip to stop filming, she stroked my cheek and touched the red mark from the cigarette with her thumb.

"See this right here, it's something to remember me by for the rest of your life" she said and licked it with the top of her tongue "now say goodbye to the camera"

I didn't look up. I was to embarrassed. I don't know if she would send this to Brittany or whatever but I just didn't want her to see me like this.

"I said, say goodbye" she said and dragged my head back by my hair.

"Goodbye" I said and felt myself breaking.

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