6. New York

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"Wow, your place is great guys" Brittany said as she wandered around the apartment, touching almost everything she could see.

Rachel and Kurt nodded with smiles on their faces while staring at the TV and Santana just stood there watching her, also unpacking Brittany's huge bag.

"Oh my god Brit, you brought so much stuff, most of them are useless too" Santana said "Come on, let me show you our room" she added to her sentence and carried the bag with her.

Santana dropped the bag on the bed and waited for Brittany to say something about the room. It was pretty small but it was enough for them.

"There's only one bed?" Brittany said, smiling at Santana.

"What did you expect?" Santana answered, looking back at Brittany and shaking her head "Can you help me unpack your bag?"

"Oh yeah, sorry" Brittany said.

She opened up a drawer and threw a bunch of her clothes in.

"Now there' s drawer of my things at your place" Brittany said and looked at Santana with shiny eyes. 

Santana just smiled, she was finally happy again. She had her soulmate back and nothing would ruin this, they would always have each other. 

Santana, Rachel and Kurt had taken their flight on Wednesday, like they decided. It was too late for Brittany to book tickets to the same flight so she took one on Friday the same week instead, which was today in the morning.

"Let's go to the diner, we can talk to my boss today instead because I work all day tomorrow" Santana said

They went out and Santana waved for a cab to stop for them with one hand and held Brittany's hand with the other.
When the cab stopped outside the diner they went in, hand in hand, again. She looked at her right side to get a quick glimpse of Brit. 

"Heeey Santana! Welcome back. How was your vacation? Oh wait, how did I know! You should be happy to have a friend as Rachel, she called in here and told me where you were" 

"Right, great" Santana said and looked at him with a 'I really don't give a crap' expression "This is my girlfriend Brittany" 

Santana's boss knew about Dani and her because they both worked at the diner so he was pretty shocked to see her with Brittany now, he obviously didn't know they broke up.

"Hi Brittany, i'm Jack" he said and shook hands with her

"Nice to meet you, sir" she said and gave him a charming smile.

"Brittany just moved here, she lives with me, Rachel and Kurt" Santana said and squeezed Brittany's hand "I was wondering if she could get a job here, with us? She's a really fast learner and she's great with people" 

"Yeah, she's right. I really am" Brittany said with a grin on her face.

"I don't know... We're pretty full right now"

"No, you just lost one waitress" 

Santana and Brittany looked back and saw Dani. She stood there with a angry face and dropped her apron on the floor.

"I quit" she said and stormed out.

"Well... I guess it's your lucky day Brittany, you can start tomorrow. Just follow Santana's lead for the upcoming week or two until you're ready to work on your own. I gotta go back to work, see you girls tomorrow" 

Brittany looked at Santana, really happy and excited about the fact that she just got a job, it was really easy too and even more perfect, it was with the love of her life.
Brittany had never seen Dani before but she almost guessed that it was her who caused that scene.

"Was that your ex girlfriend?" she asked curiously

"It was" Santana said and started walking out of the diner with Brittany.

Instead of heading home, they just took a long walk in the streets of New York City, it was still early. Santana thought about what Dani had done, why did she quit, was it because she had brought Brittany back with her?

"I didn't know you met her at work"  

"Do you even know anything about her though?" Santana said and raised her eyebrow a bit "We haven't really talked about her" 

"Can we?" 

Santana looked at her for a long time and started explaining it all, from the start until just one week ago.

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