17. Caught you

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Brittany's POV

"Here, I got her number in this phone. Could you track it down?" I said and looked at the police officer I talked to the other day.

"Like stealing candy from a baby. Come back here in a couple of hours, We're pretty busy now... Give me maximum 3 hours, alright?" he said with his dark, raspy and overly manly voice.

"My name is Brittany, by the way"

"Good to know. I go by the name Mr. Devan, or officer Devan. My first name is John" 


When I got home I had gotten three unseen mails. I knew exactly what they were about, I sat down and got ready to watch it.. This was the second one and only God knows what she put Santana through this time. I opened the file and pressed the play button.

2 minutes into the video I honestly couldn't hold the tears in. Seeing my Santana getting tortured like that hurt me more than anything ever possibly could. My heart shattered everytime she screamed out of pain. I couldn't take one more second of the video, I paused and walked away from the laptop to the bathroom. I was scared of losing Santana, I can't lie about that. Dani is obviously capable of a lot of things. Dangerous things. I opened the water tap to throw some cold water on my face, I wanted to shake the vision of Santana hanging down from the ceiling, screaming, begging and crying for Dani to stop the electric shocks. I looked into the mirror and promised myself that I will find her, I will find her no matter what and I will never, ever let her go, I will guard her with my life until the last beat of my heart.

I look at the silver digital clock on the night table in mine and Santana's bedroom while I was lying on the bed, wishing time would go faster so I could go down to the station and find out if the police officer tracked Dani's number down so I could go to wherever she was and confront her.

Every minute felt like an hour, it was two hours left and I was restless. I tried to watch TV, get a snack or surf on the internet. Although I tried really hard, nothing helped. All I could think about was how slow time went.

I opened my eyes and rubbed them, I reached for the other side of the bed and found it empty. Wait. I looked at the clock. 5 p.m. Damn it, I had fallen asleep.

It had gone 4 hours since I was at the station. I jumped out of bed and made my way to the station as fast as I could.

The wind hit my face the moment I stepped out of the apartment building, it was a bit chilly but it was good, it just made me want to get to the police station even faster.

When I got to the station I looked around to see if the officer was somewhere around, he wasn't. I walked through the people waiting for their appointments and interviews.

"Stand in line, who do you think you are?" a blonde middle aged woman with tanned skin said with a stuck up attitude

"I'm sorry, I'm looking for the chief of police"

"We're all here for a reason, you're not any better. Get to the end of the line"

A policeman noticed the fuss so he came to make her stop.

"What's the problem, ma'am?" a tall blonde, green-eyed man wearing the original, typical police man outfit, asked.

"Can I please talk to your boss? He's probably expecting me.."

"One moment" he answered and went through one of the 'staff only' doors.

When he returned he took me with him into the office and then left me there with the officer.

"Did you do it?"

"Of course. I'm printing out the adress for you"

"So you got it?" I asked with a lot of excitement in my voice, he noticed and laughed.

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