19. Mental

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Brittany's POV

It's been almost two weeks since that day at the hospital, since the day I got the horrible news about Santana, since the day I finally caught Dani. I looked around at the diner and made sure I did everything that had to be done before closing the place up. I worked a night shift. I picked up a napkin from the inside servings floor and walked back into the staff room, I got of my uniform and put my normal clothes on. I went to turn all the lights in the place off, locked all the doors from the inside and then walked out and locked that door too.

I stared at the wall in the apartment, I was lonely and I couldn't help it, it bothered me. This place was not a home without Santana, but I will keep it positive, no negative thoughts. I know she'll make it.

I made myself a cup of tea and sat on our brown living room couch. I didn't turn the tv on, I kept staring at the empty screen, thinking about everything that happened. A part of me wants to get back at Dani, a part of me just wanted to walk into the hospital they put her in and kill her with my bare hands, but I couldn't do that. The hospital they put her in was for the mentally ill. Officer Devan updated me about that, they did a examination to see if Dani had mental issues. Turned out she was many things but two of the main problems with her were that she was a psychopath and sociopath, she was immune to any kind of sympathi for others. 

Every day for the past week has been hell, I've been worrying, skipping almost all my shifts and crying myself to sleep. I'm just waiting for the day the doctor calls and tells me everything is okay with Santana, that she's woken up, or at least that her heart is still beating.

But.. I need to get back on her, I have to. I have made my choice, Dani will pay. I don't know how to get my revenge, yet, but I know exactly how to approach her. 


"Yes.. I feel like that"

"I might be able to get you a spot" the boss at the NYC Hosptial For The Mentally ill said.

"Thank you"

"This is not a joke, you know it right? she said

"I know" I said and watched her leave to get some papers.


"Are you done?" she asked. 

She gave me a paper to fill in, it was questions about health, background issues, personal problems and suicidal thoughts.

"Yes" I said and handed her the paper.

"I'm going to take a look at this and talk about it with the other managers of this place, I will also show them the interview, so you know. Okay?" she said and stood up and walked me to the door.

I just nodded.

"I will give you a call about our decision, but I think it's going to work out just fine. Now you go home and we'll keep in touch. Take care, Brittany." 


Everything went like a charm. I am almost sure that they will let me join their little community. I didn't think it would be that easy, it was ridiculous. It kind of gave the impression that the hospital didn't have good security, oh well, that was just a plus for me. All I had to do now was wait. 

I haven't asked Officer Devan what they did to Dani's mother and Philip, I actually didn't have time to care either. Rachel and Kurt had been on my back all week, trying to get me to visit them or even sleep at their place.. I wanted to sometimes. But I couldn't, I wanted to sleep on our bed. It was lonely, but her smell was stuck on the sheets and covers.. And as lame as it sounds, I liked hugging her pillow, it had her smell and it made me feel like, almost maybe, like almost Santana was still with me. 

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