9. Will you ever get it?

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Santana's POV

I can't believe this. I have never in my whole life been this embarrassed. Why would they just open the door like that? This is ridiculous.

"So, are we going to talk about what we just saw?" Kurt said

I looked at him with big eyes and ignored his stupid question. I took my coffee cup and sat on the couch, next to Brittany. Kurt stood right in front of me with the biggest, most annoying smile on his face. 

"I'm happy you're having fun, sorry you couldn't finish" he said, laughing, probably visualizing what I looked like when he opened the door to my room.

"Look here, ladypants. What me and Brittany did in there has nothing to do with you, okay?"

He just walked away and ignored my answer. I leaned my head on Brittany's shoulder and closed my eyes. This was the only way I could relax. 

"Are you tired?" Brittany asked 

"Yes, but not sleepy. I'm just a little exhausted" I answered with a yawn.

"That sounds like you're pretty tired babe" 

I just smiled and gave in, I was tired but I didn't want to sleep yet, I wouldn't want to miss a single second with Brittany. I'll sleep when she does. 


"Yes?" I said and removed my head from her shoulder, it just made me sleepier. 

"Are you happy?"

"I've never been happier" I said and looked at her with a serious face "Why are you asking?"

"I just feel like you've been unhappy ever since we met. You're not yourself" She said and gave a concerned smile.

"What do you mean?" 

I didn't remove my eyes from her, I kept staring at Brittany as she tried to figure out how to explain this to me.

"I feel like i'm disappointing you" she said and looked at me with no face expression at all. I couldn't tell if she was sad or just emotionless during this moment.

"What? Brit, don't think like that. I'm always happy when I'm with you and nothing you do could ever disappoint me. I love you too much to even think like that"

Brittany threw herself into my arms and started weeping like a child.

"Don't cry baby, it's okay" I whispered into her ear and gave her a tighter hug. 

I heard the apartment door closing, Kurt had left, for once he understands when he should leave and not bother me.

"So you're really happy?" she said and whiped her tears away with one of the napkins that was lying on the table.

"Like I said before, happier then ever"

Brittany smiled vaguely and looked at me with tearful eyes, the fact that they were watery made them look even more blue then they did earlier. I can't stop looking at them and I won't either because I know she doesn't mind.

I placed my hands on her cheeks so she would look into my eyes. 

"Listen to me Brittany, to every single word I'm about to say because I mean all of this" 

Brittany looked right into my eyes and her blushed cheeks felt warmer than before.

"You're really special to me, I've told you a million times before and I'm telling you now. Every single day since I saw you for the first time, you've been on my mind. It started of as a harmless crush and it led to this, me loving you more than anything else in this boring and rotten world, you make my life worth living" I said and took her hand, I held it and placed it right over my chest, where she could feel my heartbeat. "If it wasn't for you, I'd be gone a long time ago. You saved me so many times, you talked to me when no one else would and you listened to me when I just needed someone to listen. All those things are what made sure that you actually do love me, that I wasn't just anyone to you" 

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