13. So long

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"Back off you filthy bitch!"  Santana yelled looking as she pushed the door open

"Calm down!! Oh my god! What the hell are you doing?" Kurt said.

Kurt, really. It was Kurt.

"Why did you sound like a woman that has been smoking for 50 years?" Brittany said and looked at Kurt "You kinda scared us"

"No, the real question is why in the name of God were you holding a knife at my face?" he said and walked in.

"We thought you were someone else" Santana said

"Oh.. Wow. Well, I just came over to drop this over" he said and put a box of CD's and other useless crap on the couch.

"I left these on purpose. But thanks" she answered 

"Why don't you stay for a while? We're watching a movie?" Brittany said to him.

"No no, you go back to... whatever you were doing. Blaine is waiting downstairs. See you girls later" he said, hugged us and left.

They went back and sat on the couch, the movie played and just that moment, when Santana had cuddled herself into Brittany's arms again her phone beeps. She reaches for it and opens the text message. It's just a simple message telling her to come down, it was Dani's number. She wrote that she wants to apologize about everything and she brought a box of Santana's stuff that were in her place. 

"It's Dani, she wants to say sorry, she also brought my stuff. I'll be back in 3 minutes and whoever tries to bother us then will get a slap right on the face"  Santana said and stood up.

"I'm coming down with you" Brittany said and walked with her the to the door.

"No, stay here babe. You know how jealous she gets. I want her to be able to apologize without starting a fight with you or me. Plus it's just down here in the building. I'll be back in a bit" Santana said and kissed  Brittany's cheek.

She walked down the stairs to meet up with Dani, when Santana reached the bottom floor she saw her standing there with a shy smile and a box of stuff in her hands. She walks up to her, standing in front of her with a fair distance between them both. 

"Look Santana, I'm sorry about everything. I never meant to hurt you like that, or Brittany" 

She just looked at her, no words came out of Santana's mouth. She had nothing to say.

"Here are your things" she said and handed the box over to Santana and smirked, her eyes now wandered behind Santana's back. It looked like she was looking at someone. Santana looked back but no one was standing there. 

"You know" she said and looked back right into Santana's eyes "I told you, you would regret this" 

Everything went black for Santana and she fell on the floor. She was unconscious.

"My sweet, sweet angel" Dani whispered and ran her hands through the hair of Santana who was lying on the floor without making a single move "Carry her out with me" Dani said.

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