12. Safe

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Brittany's POV

 I went to all places possible. The phone wasn't anywhere so I headed back home. 

"Hey!! You!" someone yelled when I walked away from the supermarket. I turned around and saw a brown man waving at me.

"Is this your phone?" He asked

"Yes, I thought you said you didn't have it" I answered. It was the man who worked at the supermarket. He didn't have it when I was there just some moments ago.

"A girl just came by and left it here, I guess you're lucky" he said with an indian accent, smiling at me and handing the phone over. 

"I guess so. Thanks a lot, Sir" 

This must be my lucky day. I hurried back home so Santana didn't have to worry too much, I was already late. I pressed on the home button and unlocked the phone. I decided to call Santana and tell her I found the phone.

"San, great news babe, I found the phone" I said.

"Oh blondie... I'm glad you're happy" 

"Who's this? Where is Santana?" I responded to the girl who picked up.

"Honey, you didn't call Santana" the girl said with a calm voice.

"Who the hell are you?" I said as I ran to the apartment.

"Stop running, you might fall and break something" she said, laughing right after the sentence this time.

I just hung up and kept running, I ran up the stairs and unlocked the door.

"Santana?" I yelled as I pushed the door open "Santana where are you?" I said again a bit louder this time.

"I'm here, what's wrong with you" Santana said and walked out of the bathroom.

I walked up to her and hugged her so hard.

"I'm so happy you're here" I said and hugged her even harder.

"Why wouldn't I be here?" Santana said and twisted her way out of my arms.

"I called you and someone else picked up" 

"You called me? I didn't get a call" she said and picked her phone up.

"That's my point. I don't know who it was" I said and looked at her, waiting for a reaction.

"Where did you find the phone?" Santana asked me

"The supermarket guy gave it to me, he said some girl dropped by with it"

"Show me my phone number" she said, still very calm.

I showed her the number and this time she started breathing heavier, looking more confused and she talked faster.

"What the hell is happening" Santana said and sat down 

"The girl on the phone was watching when I called you, or, well her. I was running here and she told me to stop running.. She also called me blondie, didn't Dani call me blondie when we had that little argument inside the diner?"

"That bitch.. She must have changed my number in your phone" Santana stood up and started looking for numbers in her phone.

"Santana stop worrying. What if it wasn't even her?" I said, trying to calm her down.

I had never seen Santana this angry. I did all I could to stop her from walking around the apartment, waiting for the call.

"Stop Brittany. I won't calm down until she calls back" she said and walked up to the door, peeking out the window "I told her to stay away from you" 

After around 3 minutes of horrible stress Santana's phone ringed. 

"What's your problem?" 

She didn't even say hello or anything. She cut the small talk and went straight to business, that's one of the reasons I find her so amazing. 

"Stay away, are you stupid or what? I told you to stay away" she said on the phone, pointing her finger in the air as if Dani could see her "Really? You can't do shit. Show your face and i'll fucking drown you in bleach" 

Santana hung up and sat down on the couch, I went and sat next to her. 

"Sooo... Movie now?" I said just to make her laugh

"Yeah, sure. Anything but that" she said and curled up in my arms. 

She pressed play on the remote control and just by the intro of the movie she got scared. She pressed herself even closer to me and I held her tighter. I kinda know why Santana always chose scary movies, she wanted me to make her feel safe like this during creepy movies. I don't care about scary movies, I see them as a way to get cuddly with Santana. I brushed my nose on her neck, breathing her smell. It was heavenly. It was like a mix of strawberries and.. Santana. I could feel her neck and arms shivering when I did that, I smiled because I knew that meant she liked it. I tried to do everything to make her forget about what happened.

She jumped up and put her hand on her chest. 

"Oh my god I nearly got a heart attack" she said and looked at me "Who the hell is it now? Do we ever get a break" she stood up, paused the movie and  walked towards the door to open it up.

"I know you're in there" the person on the other side said. 

The moment she heard that she freezed. Without making any noise she walked back to me. 

"Who is it?" I said

"Sschh.. Wait" she whispered.

"Santana, what are you doing?" I whispered and watched her open the kitchen drawer, she took out a big meat knife and walked towards the door.

"Santana! No, it could be anyone" 

"Calm down, I won't stab them, I'm just gonna scare them like they're trying to scare us" she said and slowly walked towards the door with light steps. 

"Open up!" the person yelled again and pounded on the door like they were punching it "I can hear you!" this time it sounded like they were trying to kick the door open.

I looked at Santana, worried about what was going to happen next. 

"Be careful" I said, walking right behind her.

She opened the door and raised the arm she held the knife in so the person behind the door would back off immediately the second they saw her. 

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