15. Clues

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Brittany sat down on the kitchen chair. Just sitting. With no face expression, she thought about what she just saw. The video. She thought about it and she couldn't stop.

Some hours before Brittany had gotten a text message from an unknown number. She didn't know how this person, most likely Dani, even got her phone number but she did and it was nothing but creepy. The text message only said 'check your e-mail, blondie". Brittany did so and opened the file Dani had sent her from yet again, an unknown e-mail adress. She watched the full video, 4:26 minutes and every second that passed made her feel sicker and sicker. Surprisingly, it didn't make her cry at first. She was just shocked, how could a person be that cruel, that heartless? Brittany thought about the message Dani added to the video "keep checking your mail for updates" just the thought of them doing worse things to Santana made her even more stressed. 

"911 emergancy. How can we help you?"

"I need help. Someone kidnapped my girlfriend"

Brittany felt like she didn't have a choice and maybe, just maybe the police could help her find Santana, or at least give her clues. Otherwise she would have to do this all by herself, and she was willing to in order to find Santana. 

"Welcome, have a seat and I will ask you a couple of questions. You said your girlfriend was kidnapped?"

Brittany sat down on the chair in front of the police officer in his office. 

"Yes, and I don't know where she is. All I have is a video of the girl who kidnapped her, torturing her.." Brittany said and looked eagerly at the police officer.

"Did you bring the video?" he asked 

"She sent it to my mail. If I can get access to a computer here I can show it to you right now" Brittany answered. 

The police officer went out of the room for a minute or two and returned with a laptop in his hands. 

"Here you go" he said and placed it in front of her.

She logged into her e-mail and looked through her inbox, the video had disappeared. She kept looking but no tracks of the video were found.

"Is there a problem?"

"It's.. gone?" Brittany said and logged out "I promise, Sir, the video was sent to me earlier today. I promise" 

The officer just looked at her with angry and confused eyes. He thought she was messing with him.

"Do you know anything about this girl kidnapper?" he asked after a long moment of silence.

"Her name is Dani"

"That helps a lot" he said with a sarcastic tone in his voice. "Look, I will do my best to find out more about this, I understand that you're sad about losing your girlfriend but if you could get me more information about this girl, or find the video you claim to have. It would be great"  he said and stood up.

"Okay, I can try" she said and handed the laptop back to him.

"Here's my office number, if you find something helpful, just call in" 

"Thank you" she said and walked towards the door.

"Have a nice day" he said and Brittany just waved back.

It looks like Brittany has to do this by herself.


How did she make the video disappear, I honestly don't get it. Brittany walked home from the police station, she felt like it would help her clear her mind and try to find a way to Santana. 

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