11. Moving Out

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Santana's POV

"Put the boxes here, Brit. We should start unpacking right away to get it over with" 

Brittany and I put the boxes down at our new apartment. It wasn't really big but it was enough for both of us. I think it's perfect to be honest. It's a one bedroom apartment, there's a tiny cute kitchen and a little living room, there's a couch and a TV there. The place was already furnished when we bought it, the people who lived here before us said it would cost only 200 dollars extra for all furniture + the TV. It was a good deal. The walls were white, in all rooms, no paintings or other art on the walls. Kind of boring but still okay. We started putting our clothes in the drawers inside the bedroom and around 2 hours later we were done with unpacking and cleaning up even though the people before us said the place was clean.

"Ugh, I'm exhausted" I said and puffed. 

"Is there any food in here?" Brittany asked and laid down on the couch, using my legs as a pillow.

"No, we should go buy some breakfast stuff and chinese take out or something for dinner, what do you say?" I said and put my hand on her forehead

"Sounds good to me, do you wanna go now?" She asked and smiled up at me.

"Get up then" I said and giggled, slowly pushing her head off my thighs even tho I actually wanted to stay like this. 

We stood up and got ready to go out. I put my black leather jacket on and Brittany put her blue down jacket on, I took her hand as I locked the apartment door and we went out to shop.

While in the supermarket, things started to feel weird, I felt like I was being watched. 

"Brit, don't you think anything is weird?"

"What do you mean?" She answered.

"It feels like someone is watching us, following us"  I said

She took a pack of ceral, a bag of toast bread and we paid. 

"This place is really cheap" She said when we walked out, heading towards the chinese food place.

"It's some Indian dude who owns it, didn't you notice he sounds just like Apu from The Simpsons?" I said and smiled because of the sound of Brittany's laugh.

We walked into the chinese food place and I ordered beef noodles, Brittany ordered fried chicken with rice and sweet and sour sauce. Again, we paid and this time we walked home. 

"I swear to God someone is following us, Brit"

"Santana, are you sure you're not just paranoid?" Brittany said

"No, don't look back now but there's a girl behind us and she's been following us since we were at the supermarket" I said and started walking faster. 

"It's probably nothing, let's go in babe" Brittany said so I wouldn't feel worried and we went into the apartment. 

We sat down on the little kitchen table and started eating our food.

"Oh my god I was starving" I said as I chewed on small piece of beef.

"Can I taste that?" Brittany said and looked at me 

"Of course" I said and twirled the noodles in the fork and fed her. 

She just smiled at me and slurped.

"Was it good?" I asked curiously 

"Really good" She answered and put a piece of fried chicken on the fork, dipped it in the sweet and sour sauce and pointed it to my mouth. 

I gaped, chewed on it and munched so she would know I liked it. She smiled at me and went back to eating her food as I did the same. When we were done we threw the left overs in the trash can under the sink. 

I took Brittany's hand and led her to the couch, I was in a cuddle mood and I chose a movie for us to watch, I chose a scary one because I know she liked to protect me when I was scared of movies and whispering things in my ear, things like don't be scared, I'm here honey. Not everyone knows I get easily scared of movies, but Brittany knows all my deepest secrets.

"Oh crap" Brittany said just when we were going to sit down.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I think I dropped my phone in the supermarket or something" she said and stood up, wandering around the apartment, looking everywhere for it "I can't find it, San" 

"But let's go to the supermarket and ask if they've seen it, otherwise we can check at the chinese place" I said and stood up quickly.

"No, you stay here. Fix the popcorn and put the sodas in the freezer so they're cold for when I get back, I'll be here soon. Okay?" she said and put her jacket on

"No, I'm coming with you" I told her with a stuck up attitude and took my jacket from the coat-hanger that was just beside the door. 

I was going to put it on but Brittany stopped me.

"I really want you to stay here. Please just fix everything and so it's ready when I come back and we can cuddle and watch the movie" 

I protested for almost 10 minutes but she just would not give up. At last I gave in and let her go.

"If you're not back in 20 minutes I'll come after you" I said and looked her in the eyes.

"I'll be back in 15" she said and kissed me on the lips.

I locked the door behind her and started popping the popcorn, put our favorite sodas in the freezer and put the cd inside the DVD player, pausing so the movie wouldn't start without Brittany. All I could do now was wait for her to come back. She should be here in 10 minutes or something. 

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