18. X Ray

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"Santana! Get the fuck up!" Dani shouted, her little sister had told her about the police being by the door.

"Holy shit, Dani" Philip said and started to feel Santana's pulse "It's not normal"  

"Shut up Philip! Just shut up!" Dani said and you could notice she was getting very nervous from the way she was breathing and her entire body language.

Dani couldn't stop moving. She knew the cops would find the kind of "hidden" basement anytime soon, if her and Philip were lucky they would have 15 minutes.

"Listen, she needs to get to a hospital" Philip said with a serious tone in his voice.

"Are you fucking serious? Do you not understand what's happening? You idiot!" she yelled at him but stopped when she remembered the police upstairs could hear her if she was too loud. 

"Dani, she could be dying. The shocks were really hard the last times.." 

"I don't give a fuck. If they catch us, we'll get into deep shit and I can't go through that"

Philip couldn't do anything about it, he knew Dani would stop him no matter what he did. He looked at the door, he wanted to leave but the police would find him and he would be seen as the guilty one. So he stayed. 

"What are we going to do?" Philip asked.

"Call him now. He needs to distract them from coming down here. And he needs to do something about her fucking nosy girlfriend" 

Philip doubted at first but it was their only choice. They were stuck inside the basement with an unconscious girl lying on the floor. While Philip dialed the number Dani was trying to get Santana to wake up.

"San.." she said, poking at her arm "Oh sweet darling.. What have I done to my angel?" she said and turned her over so Santana's face was facing up. She stroked her face with her hands, brushing her eyelids with her fingertips, pressing her lips against her Santana's. She took a look at her face again with a big grin on her face "It's okay sweetheart, it's okay. You know you deserved this. Right?"

"He'll be here soon" Philip interrupted.

Dani stood up and walked around the dark, hot and depressing room again, chewing on her nails, sweating like crazy. Even though it wasn't summer, it was always very hot down there. She could feel the drops run down her back and the sounds from upstairs didn't make it better. She could hear the steps moving around the first floor getting closer and closer to the basement entrance. She took a quick look at Santana again, Philip was feeling her pulse again. She sighed, and mumbled something degrading about him to herself. 
Dani tried to come up with a solution but she couldn't, everything would go down the pipe if the police officers found the basement and went down here.


Perfect. Dani thought. He distracted the policemen and Brittany didn't see him, her mother made her curious about searching in the little garden they had right before he walked in and the policemen were convinced to look upstairs now, at the second floor. Dani started carrying Santana up the stairs with the help of Philip. They were going to put her in Dani's room because the policemen had already looked in there. They walked up and widened their eyes because of the light. Yes, the basement was really that isolated and dark. The only light in there was one light-bulb. 

"Hurry" Dani said and opened the door to her room. 

"Where do we put her? What if they walk in again?" Philip said

Dani stood and thought for a while. Santana was getting heavy on their arms so they had to come up with something.

"Put her under the bed"

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