22. Good morning

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Santana's POV ( 2nd July, 2013)

I hear voices in my enviroment but I can't understand what is said. I see blurred images of faces peering down at my face and I'm moving away then darkness comes again. My consciousness fades in and out. I can't tell if all of this is a dream or not. One moment I feel, see myself in a cold basement. The next I am in a speeding ambulance car. I feel my body being moved around on a bed and the blurred faces and weak voices are back. I lay here for what feels like forever and groan now and then with every exhalation just to get a grip of something.

Gradually things became clear and I'm a little more aware of the periods of consciousness. I'm lying in a hospital bed. Both my hands are strapped down to the sides of the bed. The hospital bed has netting sorrounding it to prevent me from falling out. I see a nurse walk in and I tried to talk to her, I don't even know what I'm saying. When that happened there was some kind of commotion.

"She's awake" I hear someone say.

Now others came running in. A still a bit blurry doctor asked me if I knew what my name was. As I tried to answer him the voice I heard was high pitched, like a toddler's voice. It added to my confusion and I wondered whose voice it was. I knew my first name and after trying a little I recalled my last name.

Santana Lopez.

After a while I was left alone and laid on the bed, trying to understand what was going on.

What is wrong with me and why am I tied down? Where was I? How did I get here.. All I knew was that I was in a hospital but that was pretty much it. Nurses came in and check the I.V's that seemed to be stuck in every vein I had. I got told I was in New York and I had gotten very strong electric shocks that caused all of this.

There was a TV placed in my room and I was given a remote control to it, which I was able to operate from sometimes if it didn't fall or disappear where I couldn't see or reach it. Now and again I wouldn't remember I had a remote and asked a nurse to turn the TV on. I would just sit and watch it for hours pondering about what I saw. Most of it seemed new to me but I remembered some of the songs I heard on commercials and stuff after a while. There was this woman called Ellen who impressed me, she made me laugh. However, most of what I saw moved me in strange ways and I cried very often. Then, out of nowhere, some of my memories began to return.

The memories weren't all good. It was like a big puzzle with bits and pieces that I couldn't put together and form a picture out of. None of the memories were very clear but there was an intense anger attached to most of them along with sadness. I now remembered that I had lived somewhere in Ohio before. I remembered my school, some friends and many problems I ran away from and pushed aside. I remembered working at a diner. I remembered a girlfriend.

I could remeber a home number but not exactly where I lived, I couldn't remember my home adress. It was only one of the strange gaps in my memory that I started to be aware of. One of the nurses, a pretty short, blonde and brown eyed one helped me call it. After it ringed for a while, nobody picked up. We tried to call again after some minutes but no one picked up that time either. The nurse left the room for a while and returned with a phone in her hands.

"Do you remember this?" she asked "There are a few numbers in here.. and I'm going to call out the people on your speed dial because those are obviously the people you talk to the most"

I nodded and waited for her to call names out.

"Rachel" was the first name she called.

I felt weird and figured that couldn't be my girlfriend, but I saw her face.. Berry.

"Kurt, Gunther.. " she said.

All those names brought flashbacks, Kurt.. Kurt Hummel.. My former roommate and good friend.. Yes. Gunther, Gunther was my boss. All my memories slowly became clearer for everytime I thought harder.

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