10. The Letter

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"To Santana.

I see you like playing the bad guy. Always have been, haven't you? It's time to spice things up a little.

I know who you love. I know how to hurt you. You can either let me do what I'm going to do, you'll know what when the time is right or I'll take her away from you, I'll hurt her and when I'm done hurting her I'll start hurting you. When I say hurt I don't mean hurt you so you get a heartache, I mean hurt you in ways you can't even imagine. I will ruin her, torture her, make her suffer and you will watch. You will see every little thing" 

Santana and Brittany just stood there, staring at the letter before reading the rest of it.

"This is just a sick joke that psycho bitch is pulling, let's not even bother reading the rest" Santana said and threw the letter on the floor.

Brittany didn't want to stop reading it yet, she wanted to know what else it said so she picked it up and read the rest of it.

"Funny part is, I don't even feel bad about writing this, about planning this whole thing. You deserve it, you deserve every single thing that's coming for you. 

Scaring me won't work, I got nothing to lose, so your little threats on the street before was just a little pep talk. 

You know exactly who I am now, don't you? And hey, I'm not the only one behind this. You're surrounded. 

Sleep tight, honey" 

Brittany walked up to Santana with the letter in her hands, she wasn't scared either, she just thought it was creepy of her to send a letter like this and it wasn't even a long time ago they had their little scene inside the diner. She was fast.

"Why are you bringing this to me? I don't want to read her stupid letter" 

"But Santana, this girl needs help. She's obviously obsessed with you" Brittany said and sat down in front of Santana on the chair in front of the kitchen table.

"She's not obsessed with me, she's playing around. I know her. Ignore her and all she does, we don't have time for her shit" Santana said and opened the fridge "You want a drink?"

"No" Brittany stood up and looked into Santana's eyes "Santana, I'm serious.. What if she actually wants to hurt us?" 

"She couldn't even if she tried, don't take her serious. Just stop thinking about it" Santana said and put her bottle of coke on the kitchen counter so she could wrap her arms around Brittany. "I won't let anything happen to you" 

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