2. I'm sorry

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Brittany had been asked by Rachel to go with them to Scandal. As the happy and full of energy person Brittany is, she said yes. 

"So, how have you been?" Santana asked looking at Brittany and trying her hardest to avoid eye contact.

"Honestly, I've been great. Everything is going really well. I got my job, and i'm looking for my own apartment around here now. I'm thinking about moving back" she said as she ordered herself another drink.

"That sounds really great, Brit. I'm happy for you" Santana said with her happiest voice. 

It got quiet for a while, they just sat and watched how Rachel, Blaine and Kurt danced around some of the other people on the dancefloor and two drag queens. 

"How are things in New York?" Brittany said to break the awkward silence.

"Right now, it's okay I guess.. I work at a diner" Santana answered

"That's awesome. I've always wanted to go to a New York diner. Do you get to wear old school uniforms too or is this modern?"

Santana was surprised of how interested Brittany was, it made her really happy.

"Well, I wouldn't say they're 80's old school, but they look a bit old fashioned" Santana said and laughed.

This time they had eyecontact, and none of them looked away. Not for a long while. Santana gave Brittany a shy smile and looked away.

"I'm really proud of you Brit, you've grown so much, you've matured. A lot" 

"I'm still the same Brittany you knew in high school though, just a little bit older" she said and smiled at Santana, taking a sip of the cold drink in her hand. 

The hours flew by but none of them seemed tired yet, it was almost midnight but Rachel, Kurt and Blaine wouldn't stop dancing and Santana just sat next to Brittany, talking for hours, just like she wanted. 

"I heard you have  a girlfriend, how are things going between you?" 

"We're actually not together anymore, we broke up before I flew down here"

"Oh.. That sucks. I hope you're okay" Brittany said and gave Santana a puppy pout with her lips

"I'm great, don't worry" Santana said with a big smile on her lips "How about you? Do you have anyone special in your life?"

"No, but I still have Lord Tubbington" Brittany said and started laughing, that sentence made Santana let a laugh out as well. 

Right when they were done laughing Kurt came to the bar and ordered a drink, they had never seen him that hype and they couldn't help but laughing at him.

"It's nice to see you two catch up but you HAVE to get your butts up and dance with us!" Kurt said but all they could pay attention to was his alcohol filled breath.

When he got his drink he bounsed his way back to the dancefloor. Santana looked back at Brittany and waited for her to look back, when she finally did she smiled at her. 

"Look Brit, I haven't had the chance to apologize for the way I left the last time... I just want you to know that I've done nothing but regretting it since I left. I'm sorry" 

It took some time for Brittany to answer. She just looked down at her drink, then up again at Santana, she took a deep breath and looked into Santana's big brown eyes. 

"You are forgiven, and you know I forgave you a long time ago. Don't worry about it" she said at last and drank the last of what was left in her glass with a concerned face. 

"Are you sure? I really want us to get back to the way we used to be, you know. We were unstoppable, no one could come between us" Santana said and let a little giggle out. 

Brittany laughed and looked at her. 

"I want that too. Trust me" she sighed and looked at Santana "But it will never happen. You know that right? I can't get back together with you, if that's the point you're trying to make" 

Santana stopped smiling immediately. She felt like her whole life came crashing down right this moment. She thought everything went to well, that Brittany wanted to try again after the way they talked all night. 

"Um, no. That's not what I was trying to say. I meant on the friend part, we were good friends too you know?" Santana answered out of embarrassment "But if it's okay to ask, why not?"

"We can be friends, I don't know if we'll ever be highschool-close friends, but we will be friends" she said and smiled in her silly, yet perfect way at Santana "And the answer to your other question is because you broke my heart, Santana. I went through a lot when you left me, and you weren't here, you weren't here to support me, to comfort me or anything. I really loved you once, I did. But I won't go down that road again" 

"You don't love me?" Santana said, trying to keep her face straight.

"Of course I love you, but not in a I want to be together with you, kind of way"

"Yeah me neither" 

"But hey, I should get going now. We'll see each other again soon, right?"

"Of course, Brit" 

"Here's my number" Brittany wrote her number down on a napkin and handed it over to Santana.

"Thanks" Santana said and forced a smile on her lips.

They both stood up and hugged. 

"Don't be a stranger" Brittany continued, she said bye to Rachel, Blaine and Kurt and then she left. 

1:30 am and Santana was miserable. 

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